Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

o VaR sE roundsof ourfalfe low to Chriji. them, Mich.6.16. Therefore it is that our Saviour faith of the bell fbrt of wicked men, Thole who withgladnefe (and that is ever a fymptomeof love) received the Go- hfrelt, thatyet in time of perfecution theywereopnded and fell away, Ullatth. a 3. 21. To note unto us that when Chrifi is forfaken becaufe ofperfecution, the imaginary love which was bellowed uponhimbefore wascertain- ly fupported byno other ground than that vvhichis con- trary CO perfecution, namely, the countenance andpro- te&ionof publike power. Secondly, a great part ofmen profeffe faith and love to Chrifl meerely spot; the rides of their Education. The maine reafon intowhich their religion is refolv'd, is not any evidence ofexcellencie in it felle,_but only the cu- Roma and traditions of their fore-fathers, which is to build a divine faith upon an humane authoritie, and to let man in the place ofGod : certaine it is that contrary religions can never be originallygrounded upon the fame reafon ; that which is a true andadequate principle of faith or loveto Chrill, can never be futable to the con- clu lions ofM4bsonetilme or idolatry : now then when a profefed Chriflian can give noother account ofhis love to Chrift, thanaTurke ofhis love to c..Afaharnet ; when that which moveth an Idolater to hate Chrill, isall that one ofus hath to fay why he beleeveth in him, certainly that love and faith is but anempty prefumption, which difhonoureth the Spirit ofChrill,and deludeth our own foules. There is a natural' inflina in the minde of man to reverence and vindicatethe traditions of their progeni-: tours, and at firfl view to detefl any novel' opinions which feeme to thwart the received dothine wherein theyhadBeene bred : and this affeolion is ever fo much the flronger, by howmuch the tradition received is a- bout the nobler and more neceffary things. And there- fore it difcovereth it felfe with moll violence and impa- tiency,inmattersofReligion,wherin the eternal" welfare of