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66 Mi erfrafion in ourlow to CAT .1 VERSE I. Amor coacupil- eentie quiefcit inqua claque extrin- feel antfuperfi- ciall adeptione amati,fedqua- ritamattamper- fttie babere, qua() adintima ifiiiroperveniens &c. zla qa.28, art, 2..vid.abid. art, S. Cant 24. Th1.119.20. Efay 26.8. ' Pfal 41.2. Pfal.1 t 9 3 1474 4.8 t.&c. Occodlibet agent prepti r amorem agit quoilcun 28 art.6. flacks which Band betweene it, worketha languor or ofnature in thewant ofit, a liquefaction and fofr- neffe ofnature to receive the impreflions ofit, an egreffe of the Spirits, and as it were an hall ofthe foule tomeet and entertaine it. Whence thole expreilions of the Saints in holyScripture, Comfortmewith apples, flayme withflagons,for Iamfickoflove,myfootle breaketh for the longing which it bathunto thy judgmentsat all times. The defire ofourfoule is to thy name, andto the remembrance of thee. Mylook thirliethfor God,yea for the living God, when 'hall Icome and appeare before God ? We thathave thefirli fruitefthe Spirit groane withinourfelves,waiting for the adoption,eventhe redemption or-our Bodiei .0 that my wares were diretledthat Imight keepe thy cowman- dements, withmy whole heart have Nought thee, Ihave flackunto thy te.dimenies, Iwill delight my fetfe in thy commandements , thy aware: have been myfimgs ; my routefaintethfor thylalvation, c. By all which we fee that a true love ofChriA doth excite firong defires, 'and an earnefi afpiringand ambition ofthe foule to walke in all well-pkafing, and .to be in all things conformable unto him. What the Apoille faithofSpirituall hope ,we may truly laidlove, (which is the fUndamentall ;Wvve- &ion, and root of all the tell) He thathatb it indeedin hins,porgethhimfelfieven as aril? ispure. The Love of the World, and the things and luits ofthe world may indeed confiii with the formall profeffion, but no way with the truth or power of a true love to Chrifi or his covernment. For love is ever the principle and mea- iiire ofall our a6tions 3 fuch as it is, fuch likewife wil they be too. Fourthly,fornething like love there may be innatu- rail menunto Chrift, grounded upon the hifloricall affu- ranee and perfwafion of his being now in glory, atten- ded bymightie Angels, filled with all the treafures of wifdome, knowledge, grace,power, and ocher excellent attributes,