8 Adi erfrpalion inour low toChriII. 1111181Youown... attributes, which canaura& love evenfrom an enemie and that he bath and ffill cloth procure filch good things for mankinde, in their deliverance from the guilt of fin, and from the wrath to come, as ofwhich, might they but have anexemption from his fpirituall government, and a diipenfation to live according to their owne lufls till,no man fhould be moregreedilydefrous.As Sarq- fonmet the Lion as an enernie, when hee was alive, but after he was flaine,he went unto him asto a table; there wasonely terrour whilehe lived, but honey whenhee was dead : fo doubtleffe manymen,to whom the bodi- ly pretence ofChrift, and the mighty power and pene- trationofhis heavenly preaching, wherebybee (mote linnets unto the ground, andMake with fuck arithoitie asnever manlake, wouldhave beene untufferably irke- fome, and full ofrerrour (as it wasunto the Scribes and Pharifees can yet,now that he is out oftheir fight, and dothnot in perfon, but onely by thole who are his wit- neffes torment the inhabitantsofthe earth,pretend much admiration, and thankfull remembrance ofthat death of his,which was fo full ofbony for all thatcome untohim; for as particular dependencies and expeaations may make a man flatter and adore the greatneffeoftome li- ving Potentate, whole very image notwithtianding the fame mandoth profeffedly abominate in other tyrants ofthe worldwho aredead, or upon whom he bath not the fame ends : fo the fife-fame reafon may make men in hypoctricall expreffions flatter & fawne uponChrifi himfelfe who is ablent, andyet hate with a perfea ha- tred the very image of his Spirit, in the power of his Word, and in the lives ofhis people. The very Scribes and Pharilees, who blafpherned his Spirit, and contri- ved his death,couldyet be contented tobegainers there- by; for fee theyconfeffe, It is expedient for us that one diefor thepeople. Lafily,a falfe love to Chrifl maybe grounded upon a 2 fare 67 VERSE 1. S%taus licet &neon Ruti- lutn 6'ommitters,nul- ligravis ellper- tug-Us eichilles. ,6)u i d t d - this ignofiat maimis,annon ? Pone Tigilli- num,tada We. .qua ftantes ardent qui .6.xo guuureliimant, &c. Luvemal. Satyr. x.