Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

68 114illerfwation inour lobe toChrft. VERSEI. t falfe conceit of love to hid ordinances : For as k is cerraine that he who loves the Word and worfhip of Chrifi, as his, doth love him too who is the Author of them : fo it is cerraine likewife that that love which is fornetimes pretended unto them, may indeed in them fix upon no- thingbut accidental! and by.refpe&s. This people, faith the Lord tohis Prophet, come, andfit before thee ae my people,and theyhears thy wordr,but they willnot doe them: for with their mouth theyfh:wmuch love, but their heart goeth after their covetotsfneffe.Hereis love inpretence,but falfhood in the heart:what thenwas it which in the Pro- phet they did thus love ? That prefently followes, Thou art unto themat avery lovelylongofone that bath a plea- cant voice, andcanplay well onan infirstment; Ezek. 33. 3 I, 32. that is, it is not my will which in thyminiflery they at all regard, but onely thofe circumfiantiall orna- ments ofgracefull aaion and elocution which they at- tend with jufi alike proportion of fenfuall delight, as an care cloth theharmony of a well tuned infirument : for as a man may be much affeaed with thepiaiure of his enemie, ifdrawne by a skilfull hand,and yet therein love nothingofthe perfon,but only thecunningofthe work- man who drew the peecc : So a man who hates the life and Spirit oftheWord ofGod it felfe, asbeing diame- trically contrary to that fpirit of lu ft, andof the world, which rules in him ; may yet be fo wonderfully taken with that dexteritie of wit, or delicacie ofexpreffion, or varietyof learning, or fweetneffe of fpcech, and ao-tion, or whatfoever other perfealion of nature or induifry in the difpencers ofthat Word are moil futable to his natu- ral! affe5tions, as that he may from thence eafily cheat his owne confcience, and ground a mifperfwafionofhis love to Gods Word,which yet indeed admireth nothing but the perfe6lions ofa man. Nay fuppore he meete not with fuch lenocinia toentice his affe&ion, yet the very pacification of the confcience, which by a notorious negleet