Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

0 VERSE I. ,4mar means this ineurn,eo.ft rorqmocuni,j,fe- , or.vitig, groundsof our true low to Chrift, asowars.....exesemedeW than the knowledge °fatly creature is able to ineafure. In all worldly things though ofnever fo curious and de- licate an extraction, yet (lilt even thole hearts which fwimme in thern,and glut upon theni,can eafily dilcover more dregs than Spirits; nothing Was ever fo exa6ily fit- ted to the foule of man, wherein there was not fome defeCt,or exceffefomething which the heart could with were away , or fomething which it could defire were tempered with it. But in Chrift and his kingdome there is nothing unlovely. For as in man the gli that is,is full of corruption, fo in Chrill the mathat hee is, is nothing but perfection. His fulneffe is thecenter and treafureofthe fouleofman, and therefore that love which is therupon grounded mullneeds be in the foule as an univerfall bit and principle, to facilitate every fery icewhereby we move unto this center,for love is the weight or fpring of the foule,which lets every facultie on worke,neither are anyofthofecommandmentsgrievous which areobeyed in Love.And therfore it is called thefalfillingoithe Law. True love unto Chritt keepes the whole heart together, and carries it all one way,and fo makes it univerfall,uni- forme , and contlant in all its affeetions untoGod (for unitedfafineffe oflife proceeds from a divided or double heart,Loosa .8.) As in the motions ofthe heavens, there it one common circumvolution which ex quo carrieth the whole framedaily unto one point from eaft to well though each feverall fpheare hath a feverall crofie way ofits owne,wherin fome move witha fwifteriand others with a flower motion : So though feverall Saints may have their feverall corruptions, and thofc likewife in fome fironger than in others, yet beingall animated by one and the fameSpirit, they all agree in a (teddy and uniformemotion untoChrift. Ifa floraewere placed un- der theconcave ofthe moone,though therebee fire,and aire, and water between, yet through them all it would haflen to its owne place; fo bee the obflaclesnever fo many,