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groundsofour true love to ChrtH. 71 many, or the conditionsnever fo various through which NT ERSE 1 a manmull paffe,throughchill report and good report, through terrors and temptations, through a fea and a wilderneffe, through firy Serpents and foes ofAuk, yet ifthe heart love Chria indeed, and conclude that -heaven is its home, nothing fhall bee able totally todif- courage it from haaning thither,whitherChrifi the fore- runner is gone before. Secondly , the trueLove ofChria is grounded upon theevidence ofthat Proprietie which the foule hathunto him. And of that 'mutuall inhabitation and poffeffion which is between them. So that our love unto him in this regard is a kinde of felfe love ( and therefore very firm%) beanie Chriaand a Chriflian arebut one. And themore perfwafion the foule hath of this unity, the more mat it needs loveChria. Forwee love himbecuuje free loved la fir/1,x loh.4.16.i9. And therefore our Sa- viour,from the womans apprehenfionof Gods more abundant love in the reniiffion ofher many and great finnes, concludeth the meafure and proportion of her love to him. But faith he, To whom little isforgiven the fitmeloth little, Luke7.47 Now True Love of Chria and his Kingdome thus grounded will undoubtedly manifefi it felfe, fira in an aniverfall extent unto any thing wherin Chrifi is prefent unto his Church. Fira, the foule in thiscafe will abun- dantly love and cherifh theSpirit ofChrijq. Entertaine with dearea embraces, as worthy ofall acceptation,the motions, and di&ates, and Caret illapfesofhim into the, foule;will bee carefull to hearehis voice alvvayesbehinde him,promptingand direCting him in the way heThould walke,will endevour with all readineffe and pliableneffe ofheart to receive the impreffionofhis feale,and the te- filmonie which bee giveth in the inner man unto all Godspromifes; will feareand fufpe6 nothingmore than the frowardneffe of his owne nature , which dailyen- F 4 devoureth tant.z.Te. Joh. 14.23. ioh. -23.