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TheStabil!.tyofChriftskiiigdome. ..ameammewasag...........sno*.e tity to execute it unto hit Sonne, lob. 4. 2 2, 27. Now Chrifl governeth his Church by the minitiery of his Wordand Sacraments,ancl by the effiifionof his Spirit in mealure anddegrees upon his members; by hismigh- tie, though fecret, power he fighteth with his enemies, and fo {hall doe till the refurreztion of the dead, when death,thelaa enemie Thalbe overcome,and then in thefe refpeas his kingdome fhalIceafe, for he [hall no more exercife the offices of a Mediator in compaflionating, defending, interceding forhis Church ; but yet he (hall 1E11 fit and reign for ever as God, coequall with his Fa- ther,and (hall ever be the Headofthe Church his body. Thus we fee though Chrifis kingdome in regard ofthe manner ofdtlenfistion,and prefent execution thereof, it bclimitedby the confiammationof all things ; yet in it felfe it is a kingdomwhich hath neitherwithin the feeds ofinortality,nor without thedanger ofa concuffion,but in the fubtiance is immortal', though in regardof the commiffion and power which ChM had as Mediator to adminifier it alone byhimfelfe, andby the fulneffe of his Spirit, it be at 'all voluntarily reigned into the hands ofthe Father,andChritl as a part ofthat great Church become fubjecl to the Father, that God may bee all inall. Now the grounds ofthe ConflantyofChrifisgovern- ment over hisChurch,andbycoi4fequenceofthe Church it felfe which is his kingclorne,a.reimonga others [idle Fiat, the Decreeandpromifeof GodPealed by an oath, which made it an adamantine and unbended purpofe, which the Lord wouldnever repent of nor reverfe. All. GodsCounfels are immutable (though himay alter his workes, yet he dothnever change his will,) but when he fealeth hisDecree with anoath, that makes their im. mutability pail queflion or fufpition. In that cafe it is impoffible for God tochange,becaufe it is impoilible for God to lye, or deny hinfelfe Hebr.6. i8. Now upon Inch 79 1 VERSE 1. Tames 1:17. Noel migat ye- I4ittat em,fed volt mutatio- nem, dqu.part. Aug. Confifidth. I z. c.15:tleciv Dei,tiba4so 1. b,2..z. cap. t. de roldtb.5