136 FOURTH SERMON wisdom in us to apply that strength which is in the creature unto the best advantage. None but an artificer can turn and govern the natural efficacy of fire, wind, water, unto the works of art. The wisdom whereby we should direct created virtues unto human ends, is not in, or of ourselves, but it comes from God, James i. 5. Isa. xxviii. 26. 29. Exod. xxxvi. 1, 2. Ecc. vii. 24. ix. 1. 11. (3.) Nor in idols, nor in corrupting the worship of God. Idols are lies, and teachers of lies, and pro - misers of lies to all that trust in them, Jer. x. 8. 14 -16. Hab. ii. 18. Rev. xxii. 15. an idol is just nothing in the world, 1 Cor. viii. 4. and that which is nothing can do nothing for those who rely upon it. Whatever thing a man trusteth in, in time of trouble, must needs have these things in it to ground that con- fidence upon. A knowledge of him and his wants ; therefore we are bid to trust in God's providence over us for all outward good things, because he knoweth that we have need of them, Matt. iv. 32. A loving and merciful disposition to help him. A man may sometimes receive help from such as love him not, out of policy and in pursuance of other ends and intents ; but he cannot confidently rely upon any aid which is not first founded in love. I ever suspect and fear the gifts and succours which proceed from an enemy ; they will have their own ends only, even then when they seem to tender and serve me ; there - fore David singleth out God's mercy as the object of his trust, Psa. lü. S. A manifestation of that love in some promise or other engaging unto assistance. For how can I with assurance and without hesitancy expect help there, where I never received any promise of it ? here was