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ON HOSEA XIV.- VERSES 5 -7. 207 and body, that the whole man may be " filled with the fulness of God," and grow up " unto the mea- sure of the stature of the fulness of Christ," Eph. iv. 13. 15, 16. Phil. iii. 12, 13. 2 Pet. iii. 18. Heb. vi. 1. 2. To labour and endeavour the growth and progress of the gospel in others. This is the nature of grace, to manifest itself, and by that means to allure and gather others to its own quality. It is set forth in scripture by the names of light which shines abroad, of ointment and perfume which cannot be hid, of leaven and salt, which deriveth its own nature and relish upon a whole lump. Therefore the Holy Ghost was given in tongues, fiery tongues, and a rushing wind, all which have a quality of self-manifestation, and no- tifying themselves unto others. There is an excellent place to this purpose in the apostle ; " But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things which is the head, even Christ. From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effec- tual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love," Eph. iv. 15, 16. Where the apostle showeth the manner of spiritual increase in the mystical body of Christ by the proportion of the growth of members in the natural body. There must be a fellowship between the head and members, which in the mystical body here is twofold ; growing unto him, and receiving from him. Look- ing in this work of growth upon Christ ; 1. As the end of that growth unto which it drives ; 2. As the fountain from whence it proceeds. That by growth we may have a more intimate and strong com- munion with him ; by that virtue which we receive from him. So here are two necessary requisites unto s2