212 FIFTH SERMON called, and every man must in the calling wherein he was called abide with God, 1 Cor. vii. 17. 20. 24. Here are joints and ligaments so fastening these members together, that each one may be serviceable to the increase of the whole, Col. ii. 19. There are bands which join the body to the head, without which it can neither grow nor live, namely, the Spirit of Christ, and faith in him, 1 Cor. vi. 17. Rom. viii. 9. Eph. iii. 17. and there are bands which join the parts of the body unto one another ; as namely, the same Holy Spirit, 1 Cor. xii. 13. which Spirit of grace stirreth up every member to seek the growth and bene- fit of the whole, 1 Cor. xii. 25, 26. The same sin- cere love and truth which each member beareth unto all the rest, is called a bond of perfectness, Col. iii. 14. and the bond of peace, Eph. iv. 3. Now love is a most communicative grace, it will plant, and water, and feed, and spend itself for the good of the whole, it will deny itself to serve the body, as Christ did, Gal. v. 13. Here is a measure belonging unto every part, some are in one office, others in another ; some have one gift, others another, and all this for the perfecting of the saints, Eph. iv. 11, 12. 1 Cor. xii. 4. 11. one is able to teach, another to comfort, a third to con- vince, a fourth to exhort, a fifth to counsel, and every one of these is to be directed unto the edification and growth of the whole, Rom. xii. 3. 8. Eph. iv. 7. The apostle saith, that we are " fellow - citizens with the saints," Eph. ii. 19. Now as amongst fellow -citi- zens there useth to be an intercourse of mutual nego- tiation, one man bath one commodity, and another another, and these they usually barter withal. So amongst the saints one man is eminent in one grace, another in another, and according to their mutual in-