Reynolds - BX5133.R42 S4 1831

ON HOSEA XIV.- -VERSE 1, 2. 19 a repulse ! God hath blessed those whom he did cripple ; he hath answered those whom he did reproach ; he hath delivered those whom he did deny ; and he is the same yesterday and to day. If he save in six and in seven troubles, should not we pray in six and seven extremities ? Certainly, in all the afflictions of the church, when prayers are strongest, mercies are nearest. And therefore let me humbly recommend, amongst all other pressing affairs, the providing that those solemn days, wherein the united prayers of this whole kingdom should with strongest importunities stop the breaches, and stand in the gaps of which judgments are ready to rush in upon us, may withmore obedience and solemnity be observed, than indeed of late they are. It is true, here, and in other cities, and populous places, there is perhaps less cause to complain. But who can without sorrow and shame behold in our country towns, men so unapprehensive either of their brethren's sufferings, or of their own sins and dangers, as to give God quite over, to let him rest, that they themselves may work, to come in truth to Jehoram's resolution, Why should they wait upon God any longer ? to grudge their brethren's and their own souls and safeties one day in thirty, and to tell all the world that indeed their day's work is of more value with them than their day's worship ; multitudes drudg- ing and moyling in the earth, while their brethren are mourning and besieging of Heaven. I do but name it, and proceed,-- - 2. To the particular form suggested unto them, according unto which their addresses unto God are to be regulated ; it consisted of two parts a prayer, and a promise. The prayer is for two benefits ; the one, removal of sin, the other conferring of good.