272 SEVENTH SERMON the ark with a few, than venture the flood with a world of sinners : rather go three or four out of Sodom, than be burnt for company. We must not affect a humorous singularity in differing unneces- sarily from good men, being one for Paul against Apollos, another for Apollos against Cephas ; but we must ever affect a holy and pious singularity in walking contrary unto evil men, in shining as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, Phil. ii. 15. For the righteous is more excellent than his neighbour, Prov. xii. 26. Though there be but few in the way, there will be many in the end of the journey. As the tribes and families went up divided towards Jerusalem, but when they were come thither they appeared every one of them before God in Sion, Psa. viii. 4. 7. The prophet calleth upon his hearers to attend unto his doctrine by this argument, because it will be an evidence of their prudence and wisdom ; we learn, That true and solid wisdom doth draw the heart to know aright, namely, to consider and ponder the judgments, blessings, ways, and word of God in order to the chief ends, and accordingly to direct all their conversation : for in God's account that knowledge which doth not edify, is no knowledge at all, 1 Cor. viii. 2. None are his wise men who are not wise unto salvation, 2 Tim. iii. 15. who do not draw their wisdom from his word, and from his commandments, Psa. xix. 7. cxix. 98, 99. Jer. viii. 9. There is a twofold wisdom : wisdom in some par- ticulars, as we esteem every man who is excellent in his profession, to be a wise man, so far as concerns the managing of that profession :. as when a man knows all the necessary principles and maxims of that way wherein he is, the right ends whereof, awl