ON HOSEA XIV. -VERSE 9, 283 brand wicked men, throughout the scripture, with the disgraceful title of fools, because they reject that which is the supreme rule of wisdom, and hath the greatest perfection and exactness of reason in it, Jer. viii. 9. 2. In regard of their consonancy and harmony within themselves, as that which is right and straight hath all its parts equal and agreeing one unto another : so all the parts of divine doctrine are exactly suitable and conformable to each other. The promises of God are not yea and nay, but yea and amen, 2 Cor. i. 19, 20. However, there may be seeming repug- nances to a carnal and captious eye, (which may seem of purpose allowed for the exercise of our diligence in searching, and humility in adoring the profound- ness and perfection of the word,) yet the scriptures have no obliquity in them at all, but all the parts thereof do most intimately consent with one another, as being written by the Spirit of truth who cannot lie nor deceive, who is the same yesterday, to -day, and for ever. 3. In regard of their directness unto that end for which they were revealed unto men, being the strait road unto eternal life, able to build us up, and to give us an inheritance, Acts xx. 32. In which respect the word is called the word of life, Acts. v. 20. And the gospel of salvation, Eph. i. 13. yea, salvation itself, John iv. 22. xii. 50. Acts xxviti. 28. as being the way to it, and the instrument of it, 2 Tim. iii. 15-17. James i. 21. 4. In regard of their conformity to the holy nature and will of God, which is the original rule of all rec- titude and perfection. Law is nothing but the will of the lawgiver, revealed with an intention to bind those who are under it, and for the ordering of whom