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68 SECOND SERMON to leap the hedge, for there is a lion in the way. Now to correct this torpor, this pusillanimity, and faint- heartedness in God's service, we must bind them on ourselves with renewed covenants, and put to the more strength because of the bluntness of the iron, Eccles. x. 10. A covenant doth, as it were, twist the cords of the law, and double the precept upon the soul. When it is only a precept, then God alone commands it ; but when I have made it a promise, then I command it and bind it upon myself. The more feeble our hands and knees are, the more care we should have to bind and strengthen them, that we may lift them up speedily, and keep them straight, Heb. xii. 12, 13. and the way hereunto is to come to David's resolution, " I have purposed that my mouth shall not transgress," Psa. xvii. 3. Empty wishings and wouldings will not keep weak faculties together. Broken bones must have strong bands to close them fast again. A crazy piece of building must be cramped with iron bars to keep it from tottering. So if we would indeed cleave to the Lord, we must bring purposes of heart, and strong resolutions to enable us thereunto, Acts xi. 23. Cleaving will call for swearing, Deut. x. 20. As it should be our prayer, so also our purpose, to have hearts " united to fear God's name," Psa. lxxxvi. 11. whence the phrases of preparing, fixing, confirming, establishing, rooting, grounding, and other like, so frequently occurring in the scripture, 2 Chron. xxx. 19. 1 Chron. xxix. 18. Eph. iii. 17. Heb. xiii. 9. Jam. v. 8. I.II. From our brethren ; that by a holy association and spiritual confederacy in heavenly resolutions, every man's example may quicken his brother, and so duties be performed with more vigour and fervency, and return with the greater blessings. If fire be in