Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

t' z SZ.i5.z5,26. t Sam.3.i 8. AEt.e1.1z,14. n King .6.33 t Tim.5.3. The Vexation of the Spirit. bee Iet fall than' brought about by the (mallet} evill. Thirdly, when the manner of it ù good, and that is, fir(}, when the Care is moderate, Phil.,. 5,6. Secondly, when it is with fubmifon to the will and wifedome of God; when wee can with comfort of heart , and with much confidence of a happy iffue recommend every thing that concernes us to his providence and difpoßll, can bec con- tent to have our humours maf}ered , and conceits capti- vated to his obedience, when wee-ca-n with David re- folve n'.t to torment our hearts with needles and endles projecis , but to rowlc our (elves upon Gods prote6 ion. If I fball finde raven,- in his eyes, he mill bring mee again, and fhewme bot6the Arke and his habitation; Butif he fay thus unto me, I have 710 delight in thee, let him doe tome as feemeth good into him. Such was the refolution of Eli, It is the Lord let him doe what it f eemeth himgeod. Such the fubmifiîon of the difciples of Cæfarca, when they could not perfwade `Paul to f }ay from Jerufalem , 7 he will of the Lord bee done. Cleane contrary ro that.wicked refolution ofthe KingofIfrael in the famine; Thisevillis' of the Lord , what fhould I ivaite for the Lord anylorrger? Now in this refpef} care is not a vexation buta duty; he is work than an Infidell that provides not for his ownc. Our Saviour himfelfe had bag in his family,and Salomon fends foólifh and improvident men unto the fmallef} Creatures to learne this care,Prov.6.8. That Care then which is a branch of this Vexation is not a Tecri; but Eu` S P.1 , a cutting ,dividing, dflraEling care, againl} which wee ought the rather to f }rive, not ánely becaufeit is fo apt to rife from the Creature coupling in with the corruption of mans heart, but alto beeaufe of its ownecvilldtali tic , it being both Superfluous andfin- fed/. Firf },Irregular cares are fuperfluous and improper to . the ends which we dire& them upon , and that not to our main end onely Happinef e; which men toyling to dif- cover in the Creature where it is not , doe inf}eed thereof finde Y._...,._.....,._..........