Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

ill 9+ The yexatiora of the Spirit. Matth.i3.zz. anti at lafl death. Secondly, they are ChoalZing carer, they take off the heart from the'Word, and thereby make it un- ta?nes4.4. fruitfull. Thirdly, they are Adulterous cares, they flcale away the heart from God,and fet a man at enmity againf} him. In all which refpecgs wee ought to arme our (elves again(} them. Which that wee may the better doe, wee will in the laíl place propofe two forts of dirceì ions : Firfl, How to make the Creature 900 vexing Creature. Secondly, How to ufe it as a vexing Creature : for the former. Firíh, pray for conveniencie, for that which is futeable to thy minde, I meane not to the lufis, but to the abilities of thy minde. Labour ever to lute thy occafions to thy parts, and thy fupplyes to thy occafions. If a (hip out of greedi.efle be over-loaden with gold, it will be in danger of finking, notvvithilanding the capacitie ofthe fides be not a quarter filled; on the other fide fill it to the brimme with fea- thers, and it will flilltofe up and downe for want of due ballafling : fo is it in the lives of men,fome have filch gree- die delires, that they thinke they can runne through all forts of bufineffe, and fo never leave loading themfelves, till their heart finke and be (wallowed up with worldly fórrow and fecuritie in finne : others fet their afiee}ions onfuchtriviallthings, that though they should have the fill of all theirdefires, their rnindes would flill be as floa- ting and unfetled as before. Refolve therefore to doe with thy felfe, as men with their (hips : There may a Tempel+ arife, when thou muff bee cons }rained to throw out all thy wares into the Sea; fuch were the times of the Apoftles and after bloudy perfecutions , when men were put to forfake Father, Mother, wife, Children, nay to have the (hip it felfe broken to peeces, that the Mar- tiller within might efcape upon the ruines. But betides this, in the calmeff and fecurefl times ofthe Church, thefe two things thou muft ever looke to, if thou tender thine owne tranquillity : Firft, fill not thy felfe 'one y with light thing.