Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

96 The Vexation of the Spirit. z Cor.8.9. P L il.z.7. Math. 1%24. Att.z7.z3. zCor.zz. .9. Phil. 4.13- Sea to tarry me fafe to land :flfuf er in his compsn.y and as his member'he fulfils ..-06th me, and then I may trivrnph to be made any way conformable unto C H R I s T my head. If I have 'C r-t'II i s T with me, there can no e(late come which can be cumberfomeunto me.Have I a load of mifery and infirinitie inward, outward, in rmnde, bodie, name or eflate, this takes away the vexation of all, when I confider it all comes from Chrift, all runnes into Chrifl. It all comes from him as the wifedifpofer of his owne body, and it all runnes into him, as the compaílîo- nate fharerwith his own body:It al comes from him who- is the diflributer of his Fathers gifts. and it all runs into him who is the partaker of his membersforrowes. IfI am weake in bodie, CHRIST my head was wounded, If weake in mitide, Chrií+ my head was heavie unto death; If I fufler in my elate, Chrift my Head became poore; as poore as a fervant ; If in my name,Chrifl my Head was eíleemed vile, as vile as Beelzebub. S. Paul was comforted in the greatefl tempcfl with the prefenceofan Angell,how much more with the Grace of C H R IS T: when the Thorne was in his flefh,and the buffets of S atan about his foule, yet then was his prefence a plentifull proteStion, my Grace is fufficicent for thee, and he confeífeth it die- where, I am able to doe all things through CHRIST that flrengthens me. C. H R I s T s head bath fan &ified a- ny thornes, his back any furrowes, his hands any nailes, his fide any fpeare, his heart any forrow that can come to mine. Againe, have I a great cflate, am I loaden with abundance ofearthly things,this takes away all the Vexa- tion that I have CHRIST with mee; his promife to faii6tifie it, hiswifedome to manage it, his glory to be by it advanced, his Word to by it maintained, his An- nointcd Ones to be by itfupplied, his Church to be by it repaired, in one word, his poverty to be by it relieved. For as CHRIST hath (Irength and compaffion to take off the burden of our,afliiébons, fo bath bee povertie too, to