Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The ¡exation of the Sprit, to cafe that vexation which may grow from our abun- -dance. If thou had'(} an whole wardrobe of call apparel], Chrift hath more nakedneffe than all that -can cover; if whole barnes full ofcorne,and cellars of wine,Chril} hath more empty bowels than all th at can fill ; ifall the precious ;drugs in a countrey, Chrift hath more fickneffe than all that can cure; if the power of a mighty Prince, Chria bath more imprifonment, than all that can enlarge ; if an whale houle full offilver and gold, Chril} hath more di- f }reffed members to be comforted, more breaches in his Church to be repaired, more enemies of his Gofpellto be oppofed, more defenders of his faith to be fupplied, more urgencies of his Kingdome to bee attended, than all that will ferve for. Chrift profelfeth himfelfe to be fliIl hungry, naked, fick, and in prifon, and to f }and in need of our vi- fits and fupplyes. As all the good which Chrift hath done, is ours,by reafon of our communion with him ; fo all the evil] we fuffer,is Chrifts,by reafon of his compafüon with us. The Apoftle faith that we fit together with Chrift in heavenly places ; and the fame Apof}le faith,that the fuffe- rings of Chrift are made up in his members. Nos ibi fede- mus, & ille hic labor#. Wee are glorified in him, and lice pained in us, in all his honour we are honoured, and in all our affliá ion he is of i6tcd. Thirdly, cart out thy Jonmh ; every fieeping and fecure finne that brings a Tempel} upon thy (hip, vexation to thy fp'irit. It may bec thou haft an execrable thing, a wedge ofgold,aBabylonifE garrnent,a bag full of unjufl gaine gottten by facrilege, difobedience,mercilefiheffe, op- preflïon, by detaining Gods, or thy neighbours right; It may be thou haft a Dmlilah, a f }range woman 'filthy bo- fome, that brings a rot upon thine eftate, and turnes it all into the wages of an whore ; what ever thy fickncftë, what ever thy plague bee, as thou tenderef} the tranquil - litie of thine elate roufeit up from its fleepe by a faithful], ferious, and impartial) examination of thin towne heart; H and 97 MattI:. r . EpheC z.6. ColotFr Z5. Auguft. , ó e dNcap jta sx:7 xsif,cu;v öass vrapayañ 4dél xAvdlv'Yt- OP. . N xfiv t v äv7av 'Ivav rp'p`r4,av, >ÿ es'n 76 QÀÓIOv rj.u.a tu; á¡cx píav xá a novliorvuGv, ;!;) íáQe1xt?, xv7w ,ZaóTrs,&c Chryfofl. ad :op. ratieeh. ()on) 5.