Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

too The Fexeition of the Spirit.,75. ,'(a14q,6. r Tim.6,17, he prifeth it ahóve other things, and declareth this eaima- tion of his heart by thefe eager endevours with which bee purfueth them as his god and idol!. Thirdly, to rely up- on, to put truil and affiance in the Creature: and this is . imported in the Word, by which the Prophet expreffeth riches, which fignifieth f}rength of all forts, vires,and pro- patgnaculum, the inward firength of a man, and the out - wardi }rength of munition and fortification therefore, faith Salomon, the rich mans wealth is his thong Citie, and rich men are faid to Truft and Glory in their riches, examples w hereof the Scripture abundantly gives in Tyre, Babylon, Ninive,Edom, Ifrael, &c. Now a man ought not thus to fit his heart on the Creature; firs, becaufe of the rendernefe and delicacie of the fpirit, which will quickly bee bruifed with any thing that lyes clofe upon it, and preffeth it. As men wearc the fofteft garments next their skinne, that they bee not di;- quieted ; f o fhould we apply the tendereft things, the mer- cies and the worth of the bloud of C H R i s T, ,'the pro- mifes of grace and glory, the precepts and invitations of the Spirit unto our fpirits. And now as fabterraneous wind or' ayre being preffed in by the earth, Both often beget concuffons and earth- quakes ; fo the fpirit of a man being fwallowed up, and quite doled in earthly things, muff needs beget tremblings and diftraaions at laft to the foule. _The word here which wee tranflate Vexation, is rendred likewife by Contritio, a preffing, grinding, wearing away ea thing : and by Depaflio, a feeding on a thing, which t`hakes force render the words thus, cffll is vanitie and a feeding upon wind. That as windie meats though they fill and (well a man up , they nourifh little, but turne into crudities and difeafes ; fo the feeding upon the Creature may puffe up the heart, but it can bring no reall fatisfaSUon, no folid nutriment to the %ule of man. The Creature upon. the fpirit is like o a worme in wood , or a moth in a garment, it begets a rot-