Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

iG z 02, he Vexation of the Spirit. 'their fpirits fly , and their bloud boyle in abhorred lull; If the heart bee f t on wit and pride of its ovine conceits; tempt the Libertines and Cyrenians to difpute againfi the truth , the Greekes to defpife the Gofpell, the- wife men of the world to efieeme the ordinance ofGod foo- lifhneffe of preaching , and falfe teachers to foift their t raw and nubble upon the foundation , Achitophel to comply with treafon , Lucian to revile Chrift , and de- ride religion ; eafily will thefe and a world the like temp- tations bee let into the heart , if pride of wit Band at the doore and turne the locke. Whence is it that men fpend their prctious abilities in frothy fluidics , in complements; formes and garbesoffalutc, fatyrs, libels, abufes, pro- fanation of Gods Word , fcorne of the fimplicity and power of godlineffe , with infinitie the like vanities, but becaufe their hearts are taken up with a foolifh creature , and net with God and his feare ? If the heart bee fet en Ambition , tempt Corah to defperate rebellion Abfalom to unnaturall treafon , Balaam to curie the Church , Diotrophes to contemne the A- poíiles and their Doctrine, Iaslianto apofiacy, Arrisss to herefie , the Apoilles themfelves to emulation and í}rife, eafily will one lull let in thefe , and a thoufand more. What elfe is it that makes men to flatter profane -, neffe, to adore golden beafis , to admire glittering abo- minations, to betray the truth ofthe Gofpell, to finother and diffemble the ftric1 neffe and purity of the wayes of God, to firike at the Pinnes of men with the fcabberd and not with the fword , to worke upon the fancies of men, more than their confciences, to palliate vice, to dawbe with untempered morter , to walke in a neutrality and adiaphorifme betweene God and Baal, to make the foules of men and the glory of God fubordinate to their lulls and rifi ngs; but the vafi and unbounded gulfe of ambition and vaine glory ? The likemay bee laid of feverall other lulls. But I proceede, Se-