Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

X ri / THE SINFULNESSE OF SINN E R o M. 7.9. For I was alive tvithout the Law once : lut when the Commandement came, Sinne revived , and I died. EE have (cene in the former Treatife, that man can find no Happinefle in the Creature : I will in the next place Phew, That he can find no happinefre in himfelfe, It is neither about him, nor within him : In the Creature nothing but vanÿ and vexation, in Hi, fclfe no- thing but Sinne and Death. The ApoftIe in thefe words fetsforth three things : Firfl, The Plate of Sinne, Sinne revived. Secondly, the Guilt of Sinne, I died, or found my felfe to be a condemned man in the flare of perdi- tion. Thirdly,thc evidence and convklion of both,When the Commandement came, which words imply a con - vietion, and that from the Spirit. Firfl, a convidion, for I 3 they