Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

ll i The Sinfislne e Sinne. Sy Qf 1f which "Paul 1( ) rlenchue efi l6u i cum cnntradttisne co:c v fìonra. Ar1. they inferre a conclufion extremely contradié}ory to the cone a áons in ' s Saint te formerly re ed(which is the forme ofa convi} ion. Saint Paul: former conclu- fion was, Iwas alive; but when the commandement carne, , the conclufion was extremely contrary, I 'D ied. Secondly, It wasa fpirituallconvi6ion. For Saint Paul was never literally without the Law , but the veile till this time was before his eycs,he is now made to underfland the Law in its native lenfe and compaífe; the Law is fpirituall,v. 14.and he is enabled to difcerne it fpiritually. Abfurd is the Doérine of the aSocinrans and Nome others, That un- regenerate men by a meere natural/ perception, without any divine fuperinfuf'd light (they arc the words of t: Epif2'e. Pius, and they are wicked words) may underfland the c tvl ole Lare,even all things requifite unto faith and god- lines. Foolifhly confounding,and icnpioufly deriding the fpirittcall aced divine finfe of holy Scriptures With the grammaticali conf }r'u &ion.Againft this we fhall need ufe no other argument, than a plaine Syllogifinecotripoun. ded out of the words of Scripture, Darineffe Both not comprehend light, Ioh.1. 5. Vnregenerate men are Dark ,;effe,Éphef.5,$,4, i 7,18:AEè.7. .1S 2Pet.i .9. yea, held tinder the power of dart ñelfe, Col . i . i 3. and the word of God is light, Pfal, i 19.1 65. 2 Cor.44.therefore stnregene- rat e men cannot ünderfla, :d the word in that ffririttiall com- paffe which it carries: There is filch an of mmetry and dif- prbportion betw it öiir' Underfl:aitding, and the bright - nesof the Wórd,thätthe' Saintsthemfelves have praied for more fpiritt all light,and nesder°1anding to conceive ix. I hat knowledge which a, Man ought to have(forthere is a eorbledge which is not - iteh as it besi hr>o be)=doth päfft reoiiiledge,e tet ail thg natüraf iéàfóri to attains tirito;d&tillia'ffoXbeefhette ofC rii . lattiráll men have their principles vitiated,thèh efacultits bound that rheyfcHnot underf$:and fpirituallthings tit God have 2s, .ir were irrrp1at ted a g new 'utiderflandiiig In framed i Cor.Z.14 a l'id.Iacob. Portum. contra Oftorod. cap.!. b Sine lime reperriatural po- tenti.e f1e perin- fafu Epifcop. c{ijp:d. 3. c Armin. in R om.7.pag.843 . Remonftr. De c'ar fidei, cap. I.fel'li4. Exam. collier. c.i.fo1,33.37 a P%l. 119.18 z7i 73,125'. 169. Phil.3,to. (JICUr.8.3. crp,hcf.3..9. e2 Cur3.14. f1C r.z.14. Ter .6,Io. I Ioh. S,so.