The Sinfulne of iSänne. "9 h framed the heart to attend, and let it at i liberty to fee ¡b A61.i6.y4, the glory of God with open face. Though, the wile doe 32 Cor 3 17,18, not keepe out G ran:matiesall confIrtietion,yet it blindeth Lull, -14'45" the heart againfl the fpirituall light and beauty of the Word. We fee even in common Sciences where the cón- clufìons are fiiteable to our owne inn..te and implanted notions, yet he that can difliniily conhirue, and make Grammar ofa principle in Cuclide, may be ignorant of the Mathematical) fenfe,and ufe of it much more may a man in divine truths bee Spiritually ignorant even wherein fome refpeC l he may be fayd to know. For the Hof. k Scriptures pronounce men ignorant of thofe things Éfay.4a zS, which they fee and know. In divine doétrine i obedi- l lohn y. 5"7. ence is the Ground of knowledge and Holinelfe the IPfal.iç.9,t4. bell qualification to undertland the Scriptures. If any IM1m'i r. z5", wan will doe the will of God, hee Atli know of the do- Ant. ammo o- Etrinewbetberit bee of God. The meek! will hee teach ,pus ett oei ti- his way, sad -reveale his fecret to them that feare him, more ad iptum to babes, to thole that conforme not themfelv-es to this conr erti, ut evil) world- l!ejus vo!ra,ata- To.underfland then the words,we mull notefiríl,that I tem cognef a_ f ' mus. in tannins there is an oppoftionbetween 7,OTi & 00 (s1nf Tir S ÉY:OA Ç, no vid°nt in thofe two CIaufes in the Text, Once, and when the Com- !quantum hrtic randerent came. It is the conceit of in fome,that the lat- ; eeulo vivunt. ter as well as the former is meant of a (late of unregene- A °g de Dour. ration ; and that S. Paul all this Chapter over fpeaketh l.z. e' s, P De <rs nos ad.- in the perfon of an unregenerate man; not intending at juvit & ut all to Phew the flefhlinef e and adherency of corruption sciamus, er to theholietl men,but the necefiity of righteoufneffe by Animus. ep.t, Chrilt, without the which, thou h a man may, when 143. Non doc- g y trina extrince- once the Commandment comes and is fully revealed, cus info nante, willZood,hate.Atanc; in finning doe that which he would red interna, or culta , mirabili the fabifi pete(tatc operator Deus in cord %bus bomimrm & Vents Revelationes & Go- nts voluntares. de Grat.cbrif a.c.24.. And e ew here. he recants his opinien.Rsod, ut prodicato Evdngelio cenfentiremus, not rum ept propriurn & ex nabis. Ad Prolper, Hilar.lth. i.cap.3.tnSocinus, A. -spin. I o! et,vrd.e 'vn.cenfur.e. i i .fol. s 2,9. I4 not,