Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

Thefinfi tlne.* of Srnne, 13t command us, or have dominion over us, Rorn.6. 14. Now the Law gives lite or itrengthtö tit: three waies: Firfl,by the curie and obligation of ir, binoing the fouh with rite gu;lt of fin unto the ja ifgernent or the great day. Every (inner bath the lentence pit upon him alrea4.,and in parc executed;he that believath not is condemned alrea dy,the wrath of God abideth oit bim. All men,come into the world with the wrath ofGoJ likea talent ofleaci up.- on their foule, and it may all bee pour'd out within one loure upon them, there is but a :pan between them and judgement.ln.which interim, Firit, the Law a flops the month of a (inner, b Shuts him inland e hold: him fall un- der the guilt of his tin. Secondly,it paffeth d fentence upon hisfoul,ièalirg the alfurauce ofcondemnaton and wrath to,come.Thirdly,it beginneeh even e to put that íenteiace in execution, with the f fpirit of bexáage, and of g feare, (baking the conícience,wounding the spirit, and fcorch- ,ing the heart with the pre-apprehentions of hel ],making the foul fee !bm° portion of that tempeft which hanged' over it, riling out of that lea of tinne which is in his life and nature (as the i, Prophets fervant did the Cloud) anal, fo terrifying the foul with a certain i feare full expeilati- on ofjudgement. Thus the Law ttrengthens finne,by put- ting into it a condemning power. Secondly, by th: Irritation of the Law. Sin tookeocca fion faith the).polile, by the Law, and fo by the com- mand :ment became exceedingßnfull, Rom.7.8.when luit findes it felfe univerfally restrained, meets with death and hell at every turne, can have no fubterfuge nor eva fion from the rigor and inexorablefiftffe of the Law; then like a river that is itopt,ic rifeth,and forties, and rebels a- gainit the Law 'DC the minde, and fetchethin allits force and oppoltionto refcue it (elfe from that (word which hewed] it in peeces. And thus the Law is laid to fireng, then;- (in,not per fe,out of the intention of the Law,but by ,accident and .Antiperiffafvs,exciting,and provoking that K z ltren^th Ioli. 3 . r 8.3 6, a Rom.3.r9. % Rom. rr,t G,I.3.;. d Ga1.3. [ o,i3 s COr.3.y. Mark. rE 16. [Cott 4.zg. e Hof.6.ç. t'Rorn.8. r 5. 4 z Tim . h r Kin 18.44, Hcb, io.z6.