Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

132 Ter. i 7. t`fa1.3 z. Arift. Pr,9blrm. fea. z;. qu. 5. Term' de A- nima,cap.gz. The finfulnefe offinne. ftrength which was in finne before, though undifcerned, and leffe operative. for as the pretence of an enemie dot; aftuate, and call forth that malice which lay habitually in the heart before : fo the puritie of' the Law prefenting it felfe to concupifcence in every one of thofe fundameii- tall obliquies wherein it lay before undifturbed, and way - laying the luit of the heart, that it may have no pat- fage, doth provoke that habituall fierceneffe and rebelli. on which was in it before, to lay about on all tides for its owne fafety. Third by the convition and manife(lation of the Law ; laying open the wideneile of finne to the confci- ence. Man naturally is full of pride and felfe -love, apt to think well of his fpirituall elate upon prefumptions and principles of his owne; and though many proteffe to ex- pea falvation from Christ only, yet in as much as they will be in Chrill no way but their own, that (hewes that ftili they reit in themfelves for falvation. This is that de- ceit, and Guile of(pint which the Scripture mentions, which makes the way of a foole right in his owne eyes. The Philofopher tels us of Sea,wherein,by the hollow - nefhe of the earth under it , or fume whirling and at tra- aivepropertie that fuckes the veffiell into it, (hips ufe to be cart away in the midtt ofa calme; even ío many mens foules doe gently peri (h in the midi} of their own fecuri. ties and prefumptions. A s the fï(h Polypus changeth him - felfe into the colour of the Rock, and then devours thole that come thither for fhelter: fo do men fhape their mil- perfwafions into a forme of Chri ff and faith in him, and deltroy themfelves. How many men refs in pharifai- call generalities, plod on in their owne civilities, morali- ties,externall Iuftice, and unblameableneffe, account any thing indifcretion and unneceffary ftrianes that exceeds their owne modell; every man in hell that is worfe than themfelves( I am not as this Publican )and others that are better, but in a fooles paradife ? and all this out of igno- rance