Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

e of Shine. rance of the Law. This here was.-the Apòfiles cafe, when he lived after the ftri i`le f íe.51 ofthePharifei. finwas dead he eflcemed him( lfe il4nneles: but when the Command- ment carne,difcover'd its ownfpiritualnes,and the carnal- neffe of all his performances ; rernov'd his curtald gloffes, and prefumptuous prejudices ; opened the inordinatenes of naturall concupifcence , [hewed how the 'cart atome clod{' pot the foul, the frnallf:fl òmiflîdri'-qualifie for hell, make the conscience lee thofe infinite fparkles and (warms (4'10 that rife out of the heart,and that God is all eye to fee,and all fire to confùme every uncleane thing, that the f inaleft fins that are', require the precioufell of Chrifls. blood to expiateand wash them out ;then he began to be conviné'd that he was all this whi le under the hold of fin, thatbis conference was yet under the paw of the Lyon. As the Serpent that was dead in fnow, was reviv'd at the fire ;fo finne that feemes dead when it lyes hid under the ignarances and mifperfwafions of a fecpre heart, when 'either the Word. ofGod;( which the Prophet ca Its fire) }or the lafl judgement, {hall open it unto the confcience, it will undoubtedly revive againe, and make a man finde himfelfe inthe mouth of llleath.Thus we fee, that unto the'Law.belongs the Convif} ion of Gin; and that in the jNrholeórrtpafle ofevill that is init. Three h tteful I evils are in fn ;Aberration from Gods' Image, obnbtióufneffe to his wrath, and rejeaion from his prefence. Stine, Guilt, and`mfery (which is the pro. duo± or.iffue of the former.) Now as wee fay, Ream eftffui index ,Co- obligsaiThe'Iaw islùch a rule as Can mea Pure and fet forth all this evill It is Holy, Isust,and -Good; 7 óxs. , I2.Holy,fitto conforme us to the Imagerof God; heft, fit to arme us againfl thé wrath of God and Good, fit to prefent us unto the prefence and fruition of God. ,According unto this ,bleffed and complete patterne was man created; ; An univerfall rectitude in his na- ture, all parts in tune, all members in joynt : light and K 3 beautie 133'