Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The finfulnegiof ftnne. 'be rifen up a e lea of men, who deny the (inne of a Edam CO be our Gnne,or any way fo by God accounted, and to us imputed, yetcertaine i: is, that before that arch -here- ticke Pelagius , and his dilciple Cale/fitar did vexe the Churches, neier any man denyed the guilt of "Adams fin (and guilt is infeparable from the fin it fell, being a pro- per pal ion ofit).o belong to all his polteritie. This then is the firft charge of the Spirit upon us,participat ion with Adam in his (inns. And in as much as that Çommande- ment unto Adam was the d primitive Law, fo juftly re- quired, e foeafilyobferved, therefore exceeding great muff needs be the tranfgreffion of it Pride, Ambition, Rebellion, Infidelicie, Ingratitude, Idolatry, Concupi- fence,Theft,Apoftacy, unnatural I Affetion, violation of covenant, and an univerfall renunciation of Gods mercy promifed; there ani the like were thofe wofull ingredi- ents which conpounded that Gnne, in the committing whereof wee all are fharers, becaufe Adams perfon was the fountaine of ours, andAdams a Will the Reprefen- tative of-ours. The fecond charge is touching univerfall corruption ; which hath in it two great evils : Firfl, a generali defe¿f of all righteoufnefe and holinefle in which we were at firff created ; and fecondly, an inherent b Deordination, pravitie, evilldifpefition, difeafe, propenfion to all mil- chiefe, Antipathy and averfation from all good, which the Scripture cals the c flu,,the d wifKorne of the flefb, the e body offrnne,fearthly members, the g Lao of the mem- bers, h the works of the Dsvell,i the lofts of the Divell,the k Hell that feti the whole courfe of ná tore on fire, And this i s an evill,of the through maiignitie whereof no man can be fo fnfbly anddiilinefiy convinced, as in the evidence of that conviaion to cry out againit it with filch firange, 135 ` Dfiorodius I nnitw.vid. la- t cob.Portum.c. 27. Remon. exam. cenfur,óap. 7 Jett.4 .Quit ante pro- digiofum Cale- ilium ream pr,evaricatiortis sldam omxege- nus Hurranum negavit adJtri_ tlufr,.? Yincen. vcrf.&ref,c.34 á Primordiali: Lex & Matrix pr,eceptorum Vet. Ter. cox- tra luetecs,c. a . ePofsibile ac fa_ cile pr,eceptum. Aug. cont. lui. 1.3.c,:8. Aug. Exchiric . c4T a Aug Retratl. l.i.cap.r3. Aquin. Andra, O: thodoz.ex- plic.lib. bVitiofitar,ino- berlientia,véva- citas,l. hid), morlidus aff'rtY- us, per. lufl.c.4 .de Giv. 'DU l.i4c. xí, con. tul 14,c.:; de ntsp & couuo;'f, t, z c. t;.Retrati.t, ic. i S . apx.ks ¡TA, sÿ ;slit/ c,t ;,,.7p oiy«96v éto:xH. lufün.Martyr. Eeclefia Iohn 3.6. d Rom .8,6,7, lam. 3,1 T. e Kom.6:,;o1.3.T.g Rom 1,toh.3 8.i Ioh.8.44.I.101.3 .6. K 4 ftro g