Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

156 `I he finfulneflé of Sinne. QkidiLbifatlk- but they cannot corrupt us without our owne finfull rxs el>r Tenra- entertainement; as a ciaal }e woman may be follicited by to ?Te vincc ear fettle bate ruffian, but yet no whit in danger w hile thee "dies eß via- retainer her chaftEty, It may grieve her, but it cannot de- faCiurus =`Te z file her. Many points of temptation the Devil' can com- tator exerahervs' paffe alone. Suggeítions,perfwafions,arguments,inftiga- Adit inter ca- tions,injei Lions of blalphemous or Acheiaícall notions ; ftitam, viEía eß but all thefe are at the wort but as the violence of a man fori juiquta . that ravifheth a virgin ; 1f wee can wholly keepe in our non into hearts from affording their embraces, and accepting the . inventa frterte i5 P g ,cvaritia,remaax offers of Satan, if wee can with all the 1lrengch of our fit Jruflra ex- Joule cry out like the Ravifbed woman in the Law, they tenca mufiipula, are the fins of Satan and not ours. But here is the mife- érc. Aug. tom. y Satan knowes how our tyde I. }ands bee fearcheth out 1.. Serm. 9. de vivef fir, c. 9, our difpotitions, and thereunto forteth his temptations, inn d'abalus and taken') ingredients of our own to temper with them, volunta,'em de- and to fweeten them ; As 4grippinA when the poyloned lsnguendi impo- her husband Chosdiut temper'd the poylon in themeate nit,fed rrtatert_ which he molt deli hted in : One man bath luit and wit am v0llntatt3 g a jubrniniftra.'. Satan tempteth him to fc me and Ileight the humility of Tettu1. exhort, the wayes of God, and the fimplicity ofehe Golpel;ano- caßitat cap.:. cher hash lui and money, Satan tempteth him to pride yid. Aug. contr. and oppremon, to earthly- mindedneífe, and truf in his 1.c elag.Fib. thong Tower; another bath lull and poverty, Sacan C,squi forfis tempteth him to murmuring, difcontent,rebell;on; ano- nobts oppugnant Cher bath lull} and youth, Satan tempteth him to vanitie ham vanVrmass, and intemperance; another hath tuft and learning, Satan vincendo tank tempteth him to vaine -glory and ambition. There is in pafcenaao per all of us much need of f irituall witedome to obferve galas nobù do- p minantur. Aug, where wee lye moll obnoxious, where Satan doch tom. ;. 1. ele molt plant his forces, and dire& his atcempts,and ever to Agone ChriRia- apply our (trongef watch, our molt importunate prayers nO , cap' to thofe gaps of our calling, which are molt naked Weems Chri g p g> , to ß; Sjaag thofe lulls in our nature which are molt predominate. Deut. a2,.z7 a infkfum dekelabiii ciao boletorum venenum.' Tacit. .4n. Balaton medicatum A,vidifî- saio ciborkm tahura ubtulit. Sixthly,