Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

S ?¡p usrr t'rr- iït 'ta.; Cj! fì=.ue. o->a mrrn.. F_p.i53 p.rtas: fn. en. ¡he F>æ :p tia,,. yr t:p,fi ad2eu tiTr7 7" )s 7u rt`J`4 rÿ úi 7r 'P cr:a çTä ii/ LL' v C'l'!G% Tc xílx i- T GLr477T44' '. ct 67.UfcV ;v rllt',,i31. .ad Aut:lrc.r. Accts . Efty 56.;. HLb.o. 1 S. The finfuh2eili3 SiFne. limn as a beef in underf anding, ás hi;nfelfe comìipliinèis` how much dance.n fle then a nd difprb ) ootion bet veene us and that bL[léd light'? r ockéupon Here- tikes old and new, c 7t farcions two gods, a ,;oo:i and an evil!, Tfalerrinians thirty and odde gods in f everail lofts acre ftories ; worfhi ,t'ers of Cain,wo-fhippersof ',Was, wor(hir ers the Serpent, and a world of the like fot- tifh impieties nay among men that pretend more light, to fee the fame Scriptures on both fides geld, and yet o,.inions as diarnetralle contrary as light and darknes, vile gal: ell in one place, and another gofpell in another, to fpeake ndthiiìg of'thofe apxt.*e,? and nsvi, thofe bleinifhes that are in the writings of the moft rare and choiièft inftruments in Go is Church ; Al! thefè are no- table evidences of that radial blindoefre which is in our fl tune, and is never here quite removed, for if the light be not í enc, it is not for want of evidence, but for want of fight. Stcondls confider the /''ipDerineffe and iuconf ency of 1?raturall reafon in, fpiritu.+ll things, it can never flay u óu go holy notion : Ani this is anotner triode of mic?_ nei?c, `, ad m.n willnï ke a hundred relations, buptherr reafons cannot Rand ftill, nor goe through with any,but roves from one thing to another, an i joynes together 'notions 4' feverall fu jets like .á rope of land : fume féw lucid intervalls they may haply have, but they quick - y retltrre to their frenzies againe. This is the condition { of our nature, let a man enter a ,on any holy thoughts, . the flefh will quickly caft in other fuggeftions to make him weary & faint under [uch unwelcome f_ e ulations. Therefore it was that David rayed, V nite my heart to Bare thy name; keep it alwaye.t n the thonehts of the heart of thy fervant, Vic. This w- he burin fife of Paul and Barnabas to the íi :'1ts,to exhu t them that with purpofe of heart they Would cleave ;into Clod. And hence that beak of`Scrir-tore ro joyne a Mans {elfe to Çod,and to lay fAß