Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

J- 185 .iîâ`Zer ? fail hole' !Ion him. And this every man that fèts a'out it will tind'to be a very hard wark ; lt will give every xrian jaf} cat* to cry out againíl the intrufìe.,s a naughty heart. This is that which makes many metes 'righteoufnefl'e like the morning Diz iU : now the `raffe f.è;nc, dru;iken with svetneffe, aza.i hout.e after even apes f )r ilrott,ht, now á vow atidrrfoluriati,a.3ó; , a re- lapfe and retur tne frrsain ; row:an care to Chriif,.rcíet:r ly aother o,ei to [i3; raovvt effrs and tenders . f pcaLf; a.loll retreats and exceptions ; nOw á skirmiih with t'n a,d prefentiv a truce ; like Pes:eloper web, wrQught the ,fay, untwif}ed i: , th ;,i,,hr.. Third ly,cdnfndett Indéffiga6kNrfi of this tïwhow i unwearied it is in all the tr.rtcyhiefes Rtígt r*'ìs taent u .- . on. It is laid of Satan th .t he oef rbo,st/ccial.? VFe.&e I Pcu. ,^ mafdevoarre as it was of C=-'ariF-#,Thert be Went aGoNt doin,g. ¿ood ; I thir ke we (hall never in the Seri .:turoìtziiiìe ev íll at a i..uf e, or fitting fl;iil like one. t=hat wure . Lute' 4) 3. and trrd. But cct I find tktt for a fcß 1 eGt?k- ted, vvhetn ree (lad fach :terrrl fyle as; u. him out of all %;o,.,e of V iaory ; I finde that } ce tli y ,dr;- vçn away and reut to tlio,ht. -RO the Devil/ arAfe flail fee front you But no the flelhly heart of aman ' i trres; '' Will never be made found a retrcate but lets otvirt_ì,r ati- . rbiy upon The fpirit:rall part : l t is Os I fàid) like the Thiefe, \vhí:rrit is nailed nil cruèit-ìed it will ;till rail , lit:é a Wou!n1e,¡ Wolfe :trinities ahciitto dot or a3 attitcdt3xz, ittreads'v{/ ithnn:ìra-GV,tgLt upon the ';osl.?f,Tursf.r._ foule. As the Hifiorian faid of G: art hmge, tkáat Rame was %trs, hL. pe:icni . more troubled with it when it was halis dcffroyy'd than Ko when it remàint d whole & entire.: fo the tn that rath a S J;y,e rmrrlr ra car- in iome meafáreOvercorné.his it.;ffs, will he fare more q :fetarblç of their ftirrirrgs and ffrugíit3gs,,thaái another in cNin whom they rule without dif}urbance. We may ob- 3lot. ferve in fome froward men when their caufes àre tryed and prove defierate in ri;;l.t,they wil e:t íill create per- , verte