Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

i8, \ The Sit fdnefeofSinne: verfe matxrs to rnoleft their neighbours, and the more they linke in the maine, the more clamorous they will be to proceed ; as eager gatnellers the more they lofe, the deeper game they play, and the harder they set to it ; fo it is with the lugs of men, the more they arc subdued, the more rebellious Jai head- firong will they be,fofarrc as their power goes againft the Spitg of Chris }. Lime it kindled by that which quenchetl+ all other fires,and lure - ly Grace which excinguitbeth other temptations, or at !rail abateth them, loth occo fionally, and by antiperift a- !a enrage the fie1i,though in regard of exerctíe and adu- all power it dye daily. The reafon hereof is, Firft, that which it teaturall can never be chang"Í, neither is any think ever tyr'd in its na- ttrra/l motion. 1 he motion of a (tone upward grows fain- ter and fainter becaufe carried by a violent impreílion, but downeward stronger and stronger becaufe it gathers strength even by sympathy ro the place whereunto it moves. Now original is the corrupt nature s f a man, and the motions therefore of it are not viJent but alto- gether naturall, and that naturali motion is let on and made the caller by the impultìons of Satan, as a stone throwne or hurried downeward moves the twitter, be- caufe the naturali Weight thereof is improv'd by the ac- celfory impcefllon. Who ever knew the Sea give over ra- ging, or a dream grow weary of running ? Now the mo- tions of corruption are as naturali as the etivations of the Sea, or the course of a River. Though there may be diifi culty in fulfilling lufts,thcre can never be any in the riling and 1prouti! Ig of lulls : As there may be pains in drawing waters out of a Fountaine, but there can be no pains in the waters fwelling or riling out of the rountaine. it is no pines to conceive fecde,though it bee to bring it forth in a bir th : fo in the beget, ing of finne,there is no paints requ,r'd for the heart of luft,for thoughts to artfe, though the finifhing of., finne may bee oftentimes painefull as well 3