{ The Sinfk'nne fe of Sinne. well as deafly. Origin die finne is called by the Apoitle A Law is the members, which putteth a byas into them, a forwardneflè, and propention to all evil!. Now as a Boule moves not with any difficulty when it followes the twat' of its owne byas, fo neither loth the heart in following lulls which are the weights and byas of the flefhly fouls And therefore the longer any man lives in fin, the fweeter it is to him. Wearineffe, and propenf- en Are termes incenliflent, Secondly, Nothing sr weary whiles it wor &es all, `De fiso, of it felfe, and that which is its owne, chat which tyres a faculty is the fetching in of fiaAidiary fpirits, which being exhautted and fpent the fa- culty giveth overworking, and is faid to be weary. The eye is never weary with the aft of feeing ( which is it owne worke) but it is laid to be weary, meercly becaufe of the deficiency of thofe animali fpirits which arc from without fent in unto it to aft it in its owne work; which they did in the lime meafure and flrength with- out decay flow to the faculy, it could ',ever bee ryred in its operarion. So the locomotive faculty,when the hand worketh, or the foo:e walkcth, would sever be wearied in it felfe, if thole fpirits which are requifite to streng- then it in its eaercife did n t leffen, and faile,and breath out in the motion. But now our lulls make us flefh all over, in them we worke all de nofire of our own ;It is as natural! to the heart to lust, as it is to the eye to fee ; and in this refpet more too ; for though the Aft of feeing be the eyes alone yet the eye ttands in need of forraigne at1'i- fiance from the hedrt(which is the forge and.feminarie of fpirits) to continue the exercife of this as : But the heart is wholly within it felfe furnitbedwith all the flrength: and principles of lufting,or if it were not,yet thofe fpirits which temptations of Satan,or the world intife to atria it, doe never faile nor watt away, but as waters drawne out of a fountalue, the fatter they are called in, the more plentifully they come. Thirdly, cdc á u%t c dot !i' rtt,41 Greg.: Nez. v, at. ..