188 Etti. Omnis nr(ca'or pe, cat in fag ,r- ,er7ag, Greg. Geaefis S, a I. ./ln%a14z Anti - GarG. JIt31i'!', loZ, p. 9°3 z,5,6. Ur! 5.a w.. j;y, t), r 6 2 K4Ir13.í893 An/lia S'x aos. i lever 4.4. fuck v. 13. Eíay 57.LS F-"-P11- 4.49. -Rom. 2..27,29 When a thing is out of the place of itsown ref/, it never leaves moving naturally til it have gotten to it: therefore ira The /mnfulneffe of Sinne. . Thirdly, original/ fan is IndFfati able, never weary of warting,of tempting,ofraging,of intruding,of bringing fortb,of polluting all we do,becaufè it is pa rfatisf ed. The eye io notfatir fiel t'ith feting nor the care With hea ing,ìt is cf raft & infinite dehres, and the more it is firppli'd with that in which it feeketh fàtisfEé ion, the more gree iy it ;rotvesçrs_naturall motions the longer they continue the iwifter.they are. A rester if ßvssld live for ev r,lvoteld fin for ever, and never fay.it is enough. Every imagina- tions, every Creature that is fhap'd and forrm'd in the heart, every purpoíè, delire, tatatios ebellition, is only evil/ every d i,,1aitkíthe Text ; no ± erioyl, no flint, Evill fráin the childhòocf,.Ex reo excuf fris of ex xter'o,.frv:ii the timeof breaking f. rth out of the wombe, as the learned obfèrve from the property of the word. Evill comes out of the heart as f :arkles do out of the fire, never teal: ri- ftng while the fire.cont'inues.. Notably is this iníàtiable- I mire of luit expreffed by the Prophet in.two excellent fimilitudes. Firfl,from drunk nne fe, which makes a man ftil more greedy,doth not extinguish but inflame the per verfè delire ; none cal in for wine fafter,thata they which { have lard too much before. Secondly, from Heil and the grave, which have no flint nor meafurer. The Cloud which the Prophet (hewed his fervant; was no bigger at firil t han a hand ; after, it grew to cover all the Heavens, and the reafon was,it rofe out of the fea:fö the fin of man wilfcontiuually grow & overflow all his life, & the rea- fon is,it bath a íé of luft continually to fupply it. There- foi e in the Scripture it is cal'd an efa fiòn a rulhing out ,an ,ff m,like the foaming or bóyli rg of the fèa,a_Prange ex- ceff: ofri et sunto hich,faith the Ápofile,W*4men rain a Qreedines,a covetota improvement of uncleartanes,a boom- ing of 10,4 faaf fe of ad fct iefe Novi fana this snfatria- blenes of luftt mail needs follow the indefatidabtenes of it too