Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The frnfulnefe ofSanne. in as much as loft can never carry the heart to any thing which it may refs in, needs mutt it flutter about, and be alwayes in motion. if there were an infinite (pace of aire, the motion oFa 1 one in that ípace(irthere were any mo- tion) mull needs be infinite, becaufe it would no where have a Center,or middle place to hold it (for there can be no medium where there areno extremes.) Delires are the wings upon which the icule moves,if there be (till things found to entice the delires, and none to fatisfie them, no marvell if the foule be Rill upon the wing, in perpetuall agitation, like the wind which continuallywhirled] a- bout, or the rivers which never leave running into the fea becaufe they never fill it. But it may be objected, that the Scripture makes mention of the weariee ffe which finne brings upon men, of that impotency of finning which growes upon them. The Sodomites wearied themlelves in their rage againft Lot. So the Prophet faith of wicked men, that they Weary themf elves to commit iniquity. I an- Iwer, that there very places prove the indefatigablenetfe of luit, in that it never gives over, even when the inftru- ments thereof are tir'd. The Ifraelites were weary ofga- thering ftraw, but were the taske - matters weary of ex- aeling it ? The members may be weary of ferving their Law, but is the law of the members weary of quickning or commanding them ? Nay, herein is feene the cruell ty- ranny of' luit against us, that it never leaves drawing,en- ticing,heartening, fupply ing us for Gn,even when we are quite wear iedin the ferviceof it.Theuwert wearied in thy way,yet faid'i thou not ;There is no hope. Thou never didit confider, I have thus longdrudg'd in the fervice of finne, and have found no fruit, received no fuch fatisfadtion as I prom ifed my felfe; and therefore why (hould I weary my felfe any longer ? Why fhould I labour for that which is no bread,and which fatìsfleth not ? Thou never didft be- thinke thy felfe of returning to the right way, but wen- t& on with wonted madneffe and rage ftill,though thou foundeft i Ecel. i.6, 7. ferem.9.g. Efay 17. to. Rom. 6.2,! Er'ay 15, '.