The finf ulnefj of Sinne. 191 Nay,as the water when it is ftopt in its principall courfe' yet one way or other where it bell may it will make a fhifc to finde a vent, and to difcover it felfe : even fo lull in the heart will one way or other, when the minde aid faculties,the body and members are quite tyred out in the principali fervice, nììa,ké a shift to breake forth into fome eafier vent. W hen the adultery in the heart bath worne out the body, and fpurr d it fo long in this uncleane race that it now fnkes under the burden, and bath no more blond to lofe, yet even then it will find a vent, and fuch a man will have eyes full of adultery, a tongue full ofadul- tery, thoughts and fpeculations full of adultery, a memo- ry in the review of former lewd nes full of adultery. The thiefe on the Cro %had as good a will to crucifie Chrill, to naile him, and pierce him as any others, but bee was fall enough for doing, this ; yet his malice will finde a vent intohis tongue to revile and raile upon him. Bala- am: tongue could not execute the office to which he was hired,yet it will have a vent,and fhew:it felfe in journey- ing, counfelling, . and confulting how the people might draw a curie upon themfelves. As a dogge may have his ftomack cramm'd ufgtie ad vomitum, and yet his appetite unfatisfied, for, bee prefently returnes to his vomit : fo though a man may lode and weary himfelfe in the ailing of fin,yet luft it felfe is never fatistied,and therefore never wearied. What a watch then fhould we keepe over our evil! hearts, what paines fhould wee take byprayer and un- weariednee of fpirit tofuppreffe this enemy ? If-there were any time wherein the fieh did fit íä1l and tleepe, wherein the water did not runne, and feeke for vent, we might then haply Oaken our care ; but fince it is ever furring in us, we íhouldbc.ever llirringagainfl it, and ufing all meanes to leffen and abate it fince the heart is unwearied in evil!, we fhould not faint, nor be weary of well- doing. Since the heart is fo abundant in evil!, we fhould Namb.; i. z6, Er1ic. 6. f,