192 ( 7he finfúlneffeof Sinne. thould abound likewife in every good worke of the Lord, alwayes confïdering what advantage this labour will give us againft the toyle of fin. In luft a man wea- rieth himfelfe, and hath no hope, but here our labour i3 not in vaine in the Lord, we (hall reap if we faint not ; and a little glory in heaven, nay a little comfort in earth (though neither one nor other may be called little) will be a moil plentiful! recompence, preffed down and rui- ning over for any the greateft paines that can be taken in this fpirituall watch. Ye have need of patience, faith the Apoflle, to goe through the will of God, to be in a per - petuali combate and defiance with an enemy that will give no refpite nor breathing time. The temptations of Satan,the solicitations of the world are not to many nor heavy clogs to men in their race,as that to which they are faflned, this weight that preffeth downe, this befieging finne which is ever enticing, clamouring, haling, rebel - ling,intruding,with love,with ftrength,with law,with- arguments, with importunities calling a man from his right way. From this confideration the Apoftle imme- diately inferres this duty of patience. Lay afsde every weight, faith the Apofile, and the finite that doth eafily beet sat, and ranne withpatience unto the race that is let before ass. And we mutt not call owr eye alwayes to the clog which we draw, that may much dit = hearten us; but looke unto Jefus the Author and finisher of our faith,(he' that can carry us thorow all tilde difficulties, that gives us weapons, that teacheth our bands to war, and our fin - gers to fight, that is our Captaine to leade us,and our Se- cond, cvbcuáxEt-, our fellow-Combatant) that fighteth againft finne in us by his grace. Looke what he did,what contradiction he endured,lefl yee be wearied and faint i.n your mindes : Look what he prorifeth,a victorie agairíl our lutts,and a crcwne af-er our v,aory. Looke when hecommeth, it is yet but a ittle while ; The còmming of the Lord draweth nigh, the Lord is at hand ; Call to . him,