Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

TIE Sinfulne fre ofSinne, him he is within the voyce of thy prayers,he willcome to flrengthen thee; wait upon him,hc is within the eye ;ofthy Faith,hee will come to reward thee. Look- upon the cloud of witneffes,thofe that are now the Church of the firft-borne, and have their Palmes in their hands ; they all went thorow the fame combat, they were all befet with alike infirmities , they were all men of the fame paflions with us,let us be men of the fame patience with them. Now laílly, confider the Propagation of this finne. Which may therefore well be called an old man,becaufe it dies not,but paff th over from one generation to ano- ther; A mans atuall fins are perfonall, and therforc In- tranfient,they begin and end in himfelf;but originali fin is naturall,and therefore with the nature is patlèth over frô a man w his pofterity. It is an entaile that can never be cut off,it hathheld from eidam,and will fo continue to the Works end,holding all men in an.unav oydable fer- vice and villanage unto Satan the Prince of this World. In humane tenures, ifa man leave a perfonall eflate to all his children indefinitly, without tingling out and de- (ìgning this portion to one, & that to another, though it bee true to fay , that there is nothing in that elate which any one of the children can. lay an entire claime unto as his own, but that the reti have joynt intereft in it, (for the children, though many in perfon:, are yet but one proprietary, in regard of right in theeftate oftheir fa- ther, till there be a feverance made) yet notwithiland- ing a Partition may be legally procured, and there is a kind of virtual' or fundamental feverance before,which was the ground of that which is afterwards real and le- gall:But now in this wretched Inheritanceoffin,which Adam left to all his polterity, we are to note this mif- chiefe in the firft place,that there is no virtuali partition, but it is left whole to every child of e.4dam. All hale it, and yet every one bath it all too.So that as Philofophers O fay. 193