Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

194 The Si fulneffeof Sinnei fay of the reafonable foule, That it is whole in the whole, and that it it whole in every part : fo we may fay of or igi- null concupi[cence,it is rota in CÇenere Rumano, and Tom in quolibet homine.. Allin mankind, and all in every par- ticular man. There is no law of partition for one man to have to him in peculiar the lulls of the eye, another to him the lulls of the tongue, another to him the lulls of the eare, &c.but every man bath every lufi originally as full as all men together have it. Secondly,we are tonote a great difference further be- tween the foule and fin in this regard ; though all the foule be in every member, as well as in the w hole body, yet it is not in the fame manner, and excellency in the parts as in the whole. For it is in the whole to all the purpofes oflif knfe, and motion,but in tl-.e parts, the whole foule ferves but for force fpeciallbufincfls.All the foule is in the eye,&:all in the eat ebut not in al purpofs,fbr it fees only in the eye, and itheares:only in the care. But originall fane is all in every man, and it ferves in every man to all purpofes: Not in one man on- ly to commit adultery, in another idolatry, in another murther,,or the libe, but in every man it ferves to cómit fin againfi al the Law,to break every one of Gods Cam- mandements. A whole thing may belong wholly unto two men in ieveral,by diverte ways of propriety,or un Ito fundry purpofes ; A houle belongs wholly to the !Land -lord for the purpofe of profit and revenew, and Iwholly to the Tenant for the purpofe of tie and inhábi- tation;but it Items in ordinary reafon impoffille for t')e ¡fame thing to belong wholly to fundry men in regard of 11 purpofes for which it ferves. But filch an ample pro- priety bath every man tooriginal fin,that he holdsit all, nui to all purpofes for which it hrve,=.For though f,me fins there are which cannot by fotne men be-properlycó- mïtted (properly, I fay,becaule by way of provocation, rr occafion, or approbation, or the like, one man may parti-