Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The $infulnne f f'e o f Sinne. participate in the fins which another ebmits) as a King cannot be difobedient to his fuperiours in government, becaufe he bath no fuperiors ; a lay -man cannot commit the fins of Minifter, an unmarried man the fins of an husband, &c.yet this difability arifeth out of the exigece of perfonall conditions, but no way out of the limitted- nefíe or impotency of originali fin, which in every man serves to all the purpofes which can conf a with that mans condition; and as his condition alters,fo is it like - wife fruitful' unto new fins. And thefe are two great aggravations of this finfull inheritance : That it comes whole unto every man; and that every man bath it unto all the purpofes for which it ferves. Thirdly, it is to be obferved that in originali fin (as in all other)there are two things,Deordination or finfulnes, and juilt or obligation unto punifhment. And though the former of theft, be infeparable from nature in this life,yet every man that beleeveth & repenteth, bath the damna- tion therof taken away,it fhal not prove unto him mor- tal'. But now this is the calamity ; Though a man have the guilt of this fin taken offf 6 his períon by the bene- fit of his own. faith, and the grace ofChrill to him : yet f }ill both the deordinat ion , & the guilt paffeth over un- to his pofterity by derivation from him. For the former the cafe is molt evident, whatfoever is borne of flefh is flefh,no man can bring a cleane thing out of an unclean, an evill root mull bring forth evi11 branches , a bitter fountain corrupt ftreames;leaven will derive fowrenes into the whole mafle, and the fathers treafon will thine the blond of all his poflerity And it is as certain for the latter, that though guilt & puni(hment may be remitted to the Father, yet from him it may be tranfmitted to his child. Every parent is the chanell of death to his pofte- rity. Tatumgensu humanum fecit e4damus damnationie traducenr ; e4 dam did diffafe and propagate damnation unto all mankind. Neither is it any wonder,or injufticc 0 2 that '9f_ Iohn 36. lob i 4.4,tz; 7'efïi- mon.ßnimw,c.;. SW-