Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

i96 Nec mirum,, ne in+u(ium quod R tdix profcrat darnnata dam- natos, Augutt, contra [ul.lib.3 . cap.z a ex ole,e f mine non fit ?tiff olea- flers Auguft,de nuPt.& concup. Lt cop,i9. Iames r.. 5: D211. 4.17. F.zek.18.3o. The Sin fulneffe of Sinne, that from a curad root Ihould proceed branches fit for nothing but the fire. As a Iew that was circumcifed brought forth an un-circumcifed fonne, as cleane corne (owed comes up with chafe and frubble, as the feed ofa good Olive brings forth a wild Olive : fo is it with the bet that are,their Graces concurre not to natural' gene- ration and therfore fromthem is nothing naturally pro- pagated. For firfi,the wiping offofguilt while the fault abides, is an Aa of Grace and pardon; now pardons are ever immediate from fpeciall favour, from dire& grant, -and therefore cannot run in the bloud , nor come to a man in the vertue of his birth, or by derivation ; efpeci- ally where the pardon runs not in generali termes, but perfonally by way of priviledg and exemption,and that too upon certaine conditions,the performance and ver- tue whereof is intranfient , and cannot availe any by way of imputation or redundancy.Secondly,though the perfonall Guilt be off from the man, yet the ground of that Guilt,the damnablenejc, or liableneOeto bee imputed unto punsfinent t5 infeparable fromfin;. though fin be not mortal! de f c(Io to as to bring damnation to the perfon . juttified, yet it never cea'eth to be monad de merito, that is, to be damnable in it f lfe,in regard of its own nature and obliquity, though in event and execution,the dam - nable virtue offin be prevented by Faith, which cures. it,and by repentance which forfakes and cuts it off For we mull obferve that to merit damnation belongs to the Nature of fin, but to bring forth damnation belongs to the accompllfmcnt and finifhing uffìn,when it is fuf- fered to grow to its meafure, never interrupted, never prevented.God bath patience towards finners,and wai- teth for their repentance,and doth not prefently powre out all his wrath; if in this interim men will be perfwa- ded in the day of their peace to accept of mercy dared, and to break off'fins before the Ephah be full, then their fins Ball not end in Death. But if they neglec`f all Gods mercy,