Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The fln,fulnef/e off Sinne. 197 mercy and goe on Hill, till there be no remedie, then fin grooves to a ripeneffe, and will undoubtedly bring forth Death. Since therefore the nature of fin pafleth to pofle- rity, even when the guilt thereof is remitted in the pa- rent , needs muff the guilt thereof pa{ e too, till by grace it be done away. Fourthly, In originell (in there is a two fold denomina tien,or formalitie, It is botha Sinne.; and a putaifhment of fin.. For it is an abfurd conceit of Lome men who make it an impofsibilitie for the fame thing to be both a fin and a punishment. When a piodigall fpends all his mony upon uncleannes,is not this mans poverty both his fin and his punifhment ? When a drunkard brings difea- Iles on his body,and drownes his reafon,is not that mans impotency and fottiihneffe both his finne and puni(h- ment ? Indeed fin cannot rightly bee called an infhided purnifbment, for God cloth not put it into any man ; yet it no way implyes contradió }ion, but rather abundantly magnifies the juftice and wifdome of Almighty God to fay that bee can order .finne to bee alcourge and punish= ment to it felfe. Awl fo S. Asif in cals it a penall viti- oufne ffe or corruption. So that in the derivation of this fin we have unto us propagated the very wrath cf Gsd, It is like Aaron: rod, on our part a branch that buddeth una to iniquitie y and on Gods part a Serpent that flingeth unto death. So that Adam is a twofold caufe of this fin in his poflerity.eArmeritorious caufe,he did def erve it by prevarication as it was a punifhtment , and an efficient caufe, he Both derive it by contagion as it is a finne. And this is a wretchedneffs of this finne that it is not only a meases to bring the wrath of God °pon us, but is alto fome part and beginning of the wrath of God in us, and fo is, as it were the earneff, and firff fruits of damnation. Not as if it were by God infufed into our nature ( for we have it put into us no other way but by feminall con - tag anand propagation from Adane)but God teeing man 0 3 throw 'A7cs 2 '1w'UcUf a. Remonflut-t in exam cenfu- ;,e c.7 fò1.8 5. - -non ell lcx zgxior tala am necis .,artifices 4rte perire fiaa. Ptrnalis zitio fi= tas. Aug. dc- pefeGl. jkfiitc 4. Rom. 5.1 s: Gen. 1. ;.