178 The fnfulnef e of Sirìne. throw away and wall: that original' righteoufnesmohich heat the firft put into him, and appointing him to be the head and fountaine of all mankinde not onely in nature but in faro too, in regard of lfgal1 proceeding, with -hold from him and his ièed that Gift which was freely by him in the creation bellowed, and 'wilfully by Adam in the fall re1eiled, and adjudged this mifery upon him,that bee thould paffe over to all his pottericy the immediate fruite of his prevarication, winch was original' jinn, contracted by his owne default, and as it were iffuing our of his wilful I difobedience upon him, becaufe they all were in him intereffed as in their head and father in that firft tranfgreflïon. Thus have I at large opened thole many great evills which this finne bath in it, that life of concupi cence which the Apof }le here fpeaketh ®f:.I can- not fay of it as the Roman Epitomizer of his Hiltory,In brevi tabella totam ejsu imaginem amplexus fum,that in a fiiall compafe I have comprized the whole Image of old Adam, but rather cleane contrary, In a>iatplii tabulci non dimidiam quo imaginem amplexrsa fun. The halfe of this finne hath not ail this while beene defcribed unto you. Now therefore to conclude this Argument (wherein I have been the larger, both becaufe of toe neceffaríneffe ofit,that we may know whither to rife in our humiliati- ons for finne, and becaufe is is theprincipall fcope of the Apofiles in the place,and ferves molt abundantly to thew oJr owne everlafling infufficieiicy for happineffe in our felves) we fee by thete things which have,bin difcowered. in this fin, at what defiance we ought to Rand with the do&rine of thole men, fire, who mince and qualifie,and extenuate this finne as the Papitis doe, making it the a fmallqfi of all fans, b not delcrving any more of Gods a incentive sna- fus c/f peccatum ae7uale quam originabe. Aqu. p.3.q1.art.4 c .ß theologis no- ¡iris minimum emniusnpecca- erupt cenfelur. Aadrad.Ortho- dox explic.l.3. Omwiurn gecca- torum Íévif i- m urn faipfsm pe, fe criminis r ati®nem intuearis Idem in defenrfui. Trident. lib. 3.part.r , b L on,b. dafl.leb.a.dif 33.Scot. Ibid. Bonavent.Ibicl.q.z.Durì nd, g.3. Again. part. 3. g i. art.4.ad, z.ßellar.l.6.c.4. wrath