Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Jin/ulne/feof Sinne. ^i 79 wrath, than onely -a avant of hùf'beaticall pretence, and that too without any paine of fotrow of miude, which might bee apt to grow from the apprehenfionof fo great a Joffe, may not oriely denying it after Baptifine to bee a linnc, but oneiy thefeed of innne, n evill difeafe,langucr, c I;t ipfs non tyranny, and impotency of natre r but that even in the renatì, rn pecca= wicked themfelves c concupifcence is rather imputed for to -n i;arputatio finne, than is really and orm lí inne,d notwithfandin potausqua. 7 f y it g revéra & it be forbidden in the Commandemnent; and upon thefe piapriepeccatum prefumptions e reviling the doctrine of the Reformed c(1, Divi; yes, for exaggerating this fn, as that which over- 3.140 3. c,3, fpreadrth in its being all our nature, and in its working of p f entiam all our lives. Secondly, of thole who heretofore, and even now deny any finfulnes either in the privation of the Image of God,or in the concupi cence and deordination of our nature. It was the doàfrine of the'Pelagians in the Primitive times,that f mans nature was not corruptedby the fall of Adam, that his fin g was riot any ground to his poirerity either of death, or of the merit of death,that h finne comes from Adam by imitation, not by propaga- tion. That i Baptifine Both not ferve in Infants for remit e5. al t,9. lion of finne, bu: for adoption and admiflìon into' dipp 6 q.I z.p, Heaven ; that as k Chrif }s righteouf efle doth not profit I r 5 6, thofe which beleeve not, fo Adams finne doth nor pre- Soto de natura judice, rior injure thofe that actually finne not. 1 That as & grat:a,l. I;c. a righteous man doth not beget a righteous child, io nei- Durandus ear Cher loth a firmer beget a Child guilty of thine. That priv,tianem ¡u- m all finne is voluntary, and therefore not naturali. That ¡litiæ & concu- Marr.age is Gods ordinance, and therefore no in ru.'prfcentiam pec- catum hdcefíc negat, & quod fit Realm féudignitas coutendit, lib. z,cliflinc . 30. qu 3. d.uamvás in deca.'ogo probibcatur; peccattsm tar-an non eft. juftif. lib.3. c.5 .Oren. emáyouiav è7e'peccatum eft ver v."). Bellar. de Stat. peccati, hb. 5. cap. 14. c juflif. fib t . cap.':. Greg. Val. to.a.e1 fp.6. q. 12.7.I fea.4, Co. q. i 3p.'. f Atag.opere poller.con. Iul.l. z c. 16 -g Epifl. I o6, h De Rem'(!. peccat. 1.c.8.9. i 3. De natura & gratta c.9. De peecat Orig.c. 14. I Cont.Iul.lib. 5.c.3. k De 7tmif: pcccat. lib. 3. cap. z. 1 De peceat. rerit. d& Remiß ,l.3,cap.z.mCont.Iui.1.3.cap.5, nDepeccai orig. cap.33, dewupt., crcenc.l.z cap.z5. quæ in vo is manes efp'e per- croon originale. Becan.Opeifcul de authore peecat.c... Bellarm .de . 4innf gnat. e latu peccati. 1. 0 4 ment