Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

203 The finf ulne of Sinne. o con.14l35. ment of tran1mitting fin. That ° concupilcence being c.3. thepuni(hmeut of fin cannot be a fin likewife. P Thefe p vid. Pro Cper. and the like e/Intithetis unto Orthodox Do trine did adverfco.'Ia the Pari sans of old maintains And (as it is the o Au, cont. WI. g 1 b.i map. r. politic of Satan to keepe alive thofe herefies which may Gerard.VoT. '.feeme to have molt reliefs from proud and corrupted realòn,and do:h principally tend to keepe men from that due humiliation, and through conviaion of fin , which should drive them to Chria, and magnifie the riches of Chriits Grace to them)there are not wanting at this day a a broods of finfull men , who notwithilanding the e- vidence of Scripture , and co dent of all Antiquitie doe in this point concur with thofe wicked Heretickes and deny the original' corruption of our nature to be any finne at all, but to be the Work of Gods .owne hand, in Paradife, nay, deny further the very imputation of e,4dams finne toitany of his pofleritie for inane. And now becaufe in this point they doe expreily contradia not onely the b do6rine of holy Scriptures, the c fo indation, of Orthodox faith, the d content of Ancient Du6ors, and the e Rule of the Catholike Church , but in no lelhe then foure or five particulars doe manifefily oppofe the do rine of the Church of England in this point molt evidently delivered in f one article : for the Article faith, Mau is gone from originall righteoufneffe: they fay,Man Hif.t.Pel az.1,z. patt. z.Lattnum de Pelag.l. I .p. 4.cI.2 3.4. aSociniani.v'd Iacob. ad i' or- tum con.Chri- ftoph, Oaor, cap 2,7. Ansbaptiftx ,i i a Dialogue of Predcitin.t. exa- mine eenfunc,c.3 y. 1Zenaon pn au- pera ilia & fanè pefsima pro fidei fax confefsione apologia, dalir:is Anabapt.6- Secinr.uus re. fertifsima c. 3. & 7. Inter pois- did not goe away from it., but God fnatched it away tifcios I ighius from man : the Article faith, that by Originall fin man ium is inclined unto evill and calleth it b the name of conic Halt inhærens Y connatum pif ecce and /uft,they fay that originali finne is only,.the negavit: privation ofrighteoufnct,and thatconcupifcence is a con - tatsvum tamers agnofcit & probar blob 14.4 Gen. 6 5 & 8, SI. Ioh.3. 6. P (al. 5 r .5. Ro. 5. I z, Eph 2.3 .Ro. 3. i ;.Ga1.3 .2 z. i. Gon a 1. 5 8. 1949. Yid. Gerard Vol hilt. Petag. 4 z par: I.Thef. z, & Bell de flatape, cati. 1. f.c.4 - c . ui negat omne hommes primorum hominum f eecats nafti obuexios, ipfa Cbrifliane fidei fideifubvertere firmawenta cona'ur, Ang.cort. Iul.1. a. c. z. d vid. Hiß. Pe1ag.1. z part. a The. 6 ,Aug.cont. Iul. a . c. 23.,e Infantes saptiKari in remifìionem peecatorumfecundum regulam univerfalis ecclefia confitemur.Ccelciiius °.oelag.apud Aug. depeccat. originall,z,c.s. f .trtic.9. created