Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

he lin f ulne e of Sinne. created and originali condition of:nature : the Article faith, that the fiefh lufteth aIzrayes contrary to the fpirit, they fay in expreffe termer, that this is falfe, and that the defli when it lufteth indeed, cloth lull agaínft úc thing but the fpirit , and that the Apof} that place meant onlythe Galatians , and no all fpirituall or regenerate men ; the Article faith , that this luft deferveth Gods wrath and condemnation ;. they fay ,that it doth not de- Wye the hatred of God : And laltly, the Ari.icle faith, that the Apoftle doth confefle,that concupifcence and lull hash of itf !fe the nature of f nne; they fay, that it is not properly either a finne, or a punithmcnt of fin, but ©naly the condition of nature In all thefe refpeCts it will bee needfull to lay downe the truth of this great point , and to vindicate it from the proud difputes of fuch bold in- novators. And firft, let us fee by what fteps and gradations the Advarlaries of this lo fund amentall a doctrine (which as g Sainft Auftin faith is none of thofe, in gnribus optimi fidei cntholic4 defenfores falva fidei ccmpage inter fe at'i- yvgndo.non confonant, wherein Orthodox Doctors may differ and abound in their owne fence)Joe proceed ro de- ny the finfulneffe of that which all Ages of the Church have called (in. Firlt they fay , That the a Sinne of Adam is not any way the finne of his pot eritie, that it is againtt the nature of finne, againit the goodneffe, wifedome, and truth of God, againf} the rule of Equitie and Iuftice, and In- fants who are innocent in thernfelves, fhould be accoun- ted nocent in another; therein taking away Baptifm for remiflion of finnes from infants , who being not borne with guilt of Adams finne (land yet in no need of any o g con/1%1111J a Ana- baptif}s in their Dia - logue of Pre difination. Wec fcriptura, nec veracitas, nec fapientia, neobonitas Di- vines; nec pecca- i ratura purgation. t ,net ratio'jnflitia atque.quitatk cum .sdamo pea pe;miturnt,ut dicamres, Deum pork os Adami rivera cenfui ejufdem catrreos.Remonlier,dpa.feu Exam. Cenf.eap.7.feet.4. fol. 84. Se-.