Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

190 bCaeJnRemon- ftranees Ada - mum manti &terna (five ut Jtspra dicunt cAternce p02,e damni) obnaxiii faelumfaa ffe dicunt Cum noferis omnibus non vo!uut mo:.tem i.flaPli coder') prorfaas modo inflróiam fuse utrefgue tam Adamo teem poi- teris, fed zo!unt etiarn in flitlanklaiffle Adx ut traf- greffori . lavo" flogs vero cias propagatum propter conditi - nem natur,e ejufde;n gaaam cx Ada peccato- retrahunt. Ibid,c.4Í 57. c Iidem in Confer. feu dee!criatioue fententia circa articulosfde1 ,c.7. Colvin. cont. Mo(in feel. 4. &ex prefsius e, fcEt. r, s, 3. Pigh. cont. d Re fponf. ad E pflo!am W ala. p. 88 Id Apol. ' (ïae Exam. Centúr. c.7. feói.4. fol. 8 5. prenx non peccati refpeólram ',abet iffa carentia, Cory .cont. violin_ c. 8.p. t aa, e. Cory. ibid, p. i . t z6. z z7. u 8. Malkin culp,e non ei quia natii planè eí1 invo:!untarium 7 & fi mattem cu!pac non efi,nec poto rife malaria penna, &c. Apol.c.7. c. 84. 8. David did not fin in being conceived and borne, eigo,thereby he had no fin.Anabaptif}s in their Dialope acque hoc erat Pel ëg.a ti- meneum.A,gui reondebentOre vitaïi non pofant. nat.& i a.Infansa/.4d n, fz quod natas eft "cffénonpoteR, adeoque rec revs c/rs awn, Hoc quad mefcit,ez, 64. cont.Iul.l.4 c.2 z. Our Divines unanimoufly withfiand the Doftrane of the Papiri in this point,that Concnpifcence is naturali and not finfall. Wbitak.depeccat o; cg.). 3. Field of the Chuich, 1.3,c.z6. Bitlaop Wbites De f. p. 24. Tbejinfulneffeof Sinn e. Secondly, they by that though b e4dstms (inne may bethus,farre laid to be unto poierity imputed, as that by reafon of it they become obnoxious unto death, (name- ly to an externall diffolution of body and foule without any reunion, and an eternall lone of the divine vifion, without any paine of fenìf,; ) yet that death which to Adam in his peifonwas a punithment,is not foto hispo- flerity, but onely the condition of t se r nature. Thirdly, they fay that c that which is called originali fin is nothing elle at all but onely the privation oforigi- nall righceoufneffe ; and that concupifcence was not con- tracted, and brought upon nature by fire, but was origi- nal] in our nature, fufpended indeed by the pretence, but actuated by the loGfe òf that righteoufneffe. Fourthly, they fay, d that that Privation was not by man concral tecl but by God inthaed as a punishment up- ón Adam from whom it comes, but-onely as ;a condition of nature unto us, that man in his fall and prevarication did not Throw away or actually (hake off the Image of God, but God pull'd it away from him ; which if God had not done, it would have rema.i;;ed with him, not - withf }anding the fin of the firft Fall. Fifthly, they fay, e that in as much as the privation of originallrighteoufnefle was a punishment by God. up- on Adam jufily infliaed, and by Adam unto us natural- ly and unavoidably propagated, It is not therefore to be efieemed