Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Si nfi>slneFe of Sinne. tion of originall righteoufneffe is from God immediat- ly, who pulled away Adam's righteoufneffe from him ; Therefore it is no fin. For the mote diflincf underftanding the whole truth, and anfwering thefe fuppofed tirong reafons , give me leave to premife thefe ob'ervations by way of Hypo thefis. Firf},there are Two things in originali fin, The pri- vation of righteoufner and the corruption of nature; forfince original] fin is the root ofacïuall , and in ac -uall Pinnes there are both theomilfion of the good which wecught to exercife,and pofitive contumacies againff the Law of God, therefore a vis formatrix, fomething anf erabic to both thcfe mutt needs be found in originali fin. This po- fitive or habitual] corruption (for in the other all agree . that it is originall fin) is that which the a Scripture cals fiefh,and rnemberr,and /aw,and lufpr, and body; and Saint b Auffin, vitioufne fJe, inobedience, or inordinatene (re, and a j morbid eïiion : Confonant whereunto is the ` Article of our Church affirming that man by originall fin is far gone from righteoufnes,which isthe privation;fecondly, that thereby he is of his-own nature enclined unto evill, which is the pravity or corruption: and this is the doc`trin of d many learned Papifls. Second ly,the Law being e perfea and fpirituall, fear - cheth the moil intimate corners of the foule, and redu- ceth under a law the very roots and principles of all hu- mane operations : And therefore in as much as f well- being is the ground of well- working, and that the Tree muff be good before the fruit, therefore wee conclude' 205 loho .F.. R,m 6 F,,,iq. G Ci,k f. y. {?0.11.7.'3. b 7<;a(6J vttln rt.v, dopeifelt, Itrflit.c 4. Ino_ bcdieair, deci- v.t.Dei,l 14.c 15 Gibida,contra fitlian./,4.c.T4. Ma bides affe- flus de nupt ET concu; irl.2 C. 31: get .aad 6 t' w.r.,> ' N ?y cvr`Ncri.a- ya9dv fvrxes. AP. àlarty. .Fp that the Law is not oilly the Rule of our works, but of `tí7_cnam. Anna 9., d Magi(1.Sen. tent .1. z.difliqt7.3o, Acür,n.ra.eiFr.8 z.Ast. r. Drieda %Ie Grstia,e'a -ib. Ai 61,1.7' iatt.;; part.a.niemb.a.n.rg.r 4.1 F.Gre.;rin).li-.z.d;;, .o,rrrtæjt.,, f; .avenr,l.x.7iflinii. 3o.part. z 7.0æ11, Andrad. Dcfcn(,Conctl. I rident. l.:f. quampinresulra. e Rom 7.14 f htat7. 8. rtb(itt:t fit in a/.qo vcra.virtrGS qui ipfc 144110 40nefl. Aug, cowra luliarr.óib 4 c43 our