Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

106 x Deur.K.c. Lu kc 1 o. i 7. Lex ctiam ori- gines delicio- y'um,-d ctt, con caoiícewt 'ar em velrsntatcs non minus quamf a- tria condensnat- 'I'ertul,de pudi- cit.cap 6; 1-4i7 M,dvTx T! Atit 77,«&ei Lt4- vwv, X31M,rí 14ds, ril.ctis xj ?t,iS6t,C er.o A t e - WRITS? 77' p.üuu 7rnrn- :P9v,x dLnx x7ov voFF«- arciVdsç7v\cv- 75 Ç. Gre;.Naz. Grar.3. y Rom:S:6. &z prima ho- mid is mala r;a tentate co trra- r`lum,fac`tum cf! gaodarbtnodo Fiaredi:ariurn, Aug.7tetraCt 1.1 cap.13. b 7>oluntru Ada reputatur;toflra Aqu;n.p.3 q.534 art.zad364 The Sin fulnep of Siñve. our ilrerigth,not of ourlife only but of our nature,which, being ättirft delivered hito our hands entire and pure, cannot become degenerate, without tt e ('Renee of thole , who did firft betray fo great a troff committed unto them, R Thou fhalt love fhe Lord thy God, Ex omni vale I tug, with' all thy might,faith the Law it doth not only require us to love, but to have minds furnifhed « ith all flren9th to love God, fo that there may be life and vigor in our obedience and love of him. The Law requires no more love than ftrength, therefore if it did not of us re- quire ftrength to love, but only fuppofe it, it could re- quire no `love neither, for the Y Apoftle tels us that by nature we are rrr+thout flrength. So that if the meaning of the Law be only this, thou fnalt love the Lord thy God with all the ftrength which thou haft;& not this, Thou (halt love him with all the ftrength that I require thee to have,and that I at firft gave thee(fo that the fcrength and faculty, as well as the love and duty may c.3rfere%tsb precepto, Ian under the command) the meaning ofthe Law would amount but to this, Thou (halt not, or nee - deft not to love the Lord thy God at al,becaufe tl-.oa haft no arength fo to do,and art not robe blamed fer having none. Thirdly, it is not the being vola ntary `or ínvoluatary that doth make a thing finfull or not f null, but being oppofite to the&ule,which requires compleat ffrength to ferve God withal;Now all a mans ftren th is not in his will, the uuderftanding, aff_dtions,and body have their ftrcngth, which failing, though the will bee never fo prompt,yet the worke is not done with that perfcdion which the Law requires : yet withal( we are to note in this point two things. Firft, That orioinallfnne is, [no modo,volantary tao,becaufe brought inby that wil which was originally ours,for this is a true rule in divinity,bVo- EAdem nra,o omntum zelrnCatcs [ z, g ArtiJr ad. Ort hodo z.exYkeat. tab.;. in No eanclufacenfent:tr gttozr natura. /unto