Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

Thy SZnfulneffe of Sinne, i 207 lwntar emitir totiud nature voluntao reputatur,that .flctamr will was the will of all mankind, and therefore this fin being voluntary in him,and hereditary unto us,is eflee- med in force fort voluntary unto us too. Secondly,that a thing may be voluntary two ways. Firif, efficienter, when the will doth poutively concur to the thing which is done: ' Secondly, deficienter,when the will is in fault for the thing which is done, though it were not done by it fclf: For we tnu(i note,that all others faculties were at firfl appointed to be fubjefl to the will,and were not to move but upon her.allowance,and condua,and ther- fore when luff cloth prevent the conf nt and command of the will, it is then manifef that the will is wanting to her office, for to her it belongs to fupprefle all contu= macy,and to forbid the doing of an illegal thing.And in this fenf 1 uncle fland that frequent fpeech of S.cAmilin, That fin is not fin except it be voluntary, that is, fin might altogether be prevented, if the will it Hie had its pri- mitive lhrengthond were aleto ex:rcife uprightly that office of goverv.mmt and moderation over the whole man which at firfl it was appointed unto. Which thing the fame t Father divinely hath exprefl d in hip Confer- , on; What a m:r.,flrour thing is this, faith he, that the minde lhould command the body and bee ob yed, and that it fl u/d command it felfe and bee refilled? His anfwer is, The w N ilt not a totali wall,and therefore the command u not rat. Etiáeo Ant a totall command, g for if the will were fo throughl -y an :`! "a zo!untatea, gNia ura earum enemy to lull ought to be,it.vould not be quiet till rota non cH, b it had dis hroned it. boo ad alteri, Theft things being premif d,wc conclude : That as our quort alteride- nature is univerfàlly vitiated and defiL'd by Adam ,fo that e,tí; l8. pollution which from him we derive is not onely the c8 . antrrc kna not of nature, the condition and calamity of man- renatorurn om- land, the womb, fed, kmenter, formative- vertue of a- ni ex parte ini- mica Ott cox -. sapienti.e, eam a fuo repo on:nern exlertninaret, V4F +stak. tent .Stapler, d, JMc(1if. lib rp. 3 e vide Aquin, t z,qu.79. a?t. t inc.& q 3.c.e#P A rifiot Etb l.3.cap.s. d Arift,Eth.l, t cap.8. e De Cb.Arb.l.; e,zz.7{etrae14l.r. C r;.dercra Relig.ç.i 4. I Non ex toto voit,non ergo' ex toto imperat Et ittrum, non vtt- que plena impe -- ther