Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

zo8 7'eccaaum car- nls vcye pec- catuns, Fut. de grac.0 hr.c.r ç. Vide .tug de pescat.mer.& remig.lib. z: c. 4. de nup,& ccn. I cupi/ lií, z,c. z,4. coa.3ii11,s c.3, 4,5 /.5.c. 3 .7,¿i,6,c I 5.19. vid.Sta- tuflif. l,z b i Iohn 3.4. c Rom.7.2,3. Gal. 5.17. dRom.6.z3. Ephef 2.3. e Rom.7. 1;. fEccicL7.z9. Gen. t.3 t. R°111.7-14.15. g Pi0.7.I1, 2I. h 1V1 atth, t ç..t9. Iames I.14. lames 3.1 S. t Iohn 3.8: Iames 3,6, Iohn 8.44 k ilug.Traf14 9. an 1oha..> uando 1iGido vin, cst, vincit e'J' diabo lus,id,con.lul,ç cap.7. Lt het2,24. mGaI.S.z4. n Ads 2.38. Q CoI,z.I1, I 2. The Sin ful/4e of Siawe. Cher fins, but is it felfe 3 truly and properly f nne, or to fpeake in the phrafe of the Church of England; hath of it ¡elfe the nature of f n,Firfl, where b there is ` à Peal x tranf- greihon,there is fin;in this fin there's,for there is = °.vnVo(.I rebellion,& antipathy againff the whole Law; therfore concupifcence is fin.Secondly, that a which in- fers death,& makes men naturally children of wrath, is fin; e but luf,& fleshly concupifcence reviving,bringeth death and wrath; therfore it is fin.Thirdly,where there is an exceflè of fin that thing mutt needs be finfull ; but concupifcence by the commandment is e exceeding fin- full,ergo.Fourthly,that which is hateful,is evil! and fin- full (for God made all things f beautifull and good, and therefore very lovely) but concupifcence is hateful,l am carnall,fold under fin, for what !hate that 1 do. Fifthly, that which quickneth to all mifchief,and indifpofeth to all good,muft needs be finful, (as g the that tem,teth & folliciteth to adultery,may juftly be efteem'd an harlot;) but h concupifcence tempteth, draweth,enticeth,beget - teth,conceiveth,indifpofeth to good, and provoketh to evil! ; therfore it is fin. Sixtly, that which is hellh(h and divelifh mutt needs be finfull, for that is an argument in the Scripture to prove a thing to be exceeding evil!;) but i concupifcence is even the Hell of our nature, and lulls are divelifh; therefore they are finfull too, k Nano fe palpct, faith S. luftin,defuo. Satanas efl,de Deo beatut. Let no man footh or flatter himfelf,his happines is from God , for of himfelf he is altogether divelifh. Sev enthly, that which was with Chrift crucified is I fin,for he bore our fin in his body upon the tree ; but our flefh and con- cupifcence was with Chrift Crucified, m They that are ChraftJ have crucified thefief/ with the affe(lions and lofts Therefore, it is fin.Laftly,that which is wafhed away in Baptifine is fin, for n Bapt fine is for remit on of inner but concupifcence and the body of fin is done away in Baptifine; Therefore it is fin. And this is the frequent argument